28 adjectives to describe indecisions

At length after walking up and down the street in a state of painful indecision he returned and ventured to knock.

His fare hesitated for a moment, swayed by a momentary indecision.

But four months later he was lamenting Washington's "fatal indecision," and by inference was calling him "a blunderer."

Perhaps the Committee of Public Welfare are now in a sort of benevolent indecision, whether this, or Collot d'Herbois' gunpowder scheme, shall have the preference.

" He halted with a gesture of despair; his face livid with fear at her apparent indecision as to his fate.

Cold hands and feet plague him, cold feet psychically as well as physically, for a chronic and obsessive indecision is one of his most prominent complaints.

Number eight kept him guessing for three months, until he tired of her constant indecision, and confided his disappointment to number nine, who was not impressed.

I was embarked at any rate in a venture, and had got rid of my desperate indecision.

A copious verbal memory, like a copious memory of facts, is only one source of power, and without the high controlling faculty of the artist may lead to diffusive indecision.

It was in this state of feeble indecision as regarded the great questions, and with this minuteness of detail in secondary matters, that M. Necker presented himself on the 5th of May before the three orders at the opening of the session in the palace of Versailles by King Louis XVI.

Or shall we take any of them?" With a prodigious yawn,as though to indicate that he wearied of their foolish indecision,Czar turned, with a low "woof," toward the fourth member of the company, who was browsing along the edge of the trail.

He looked at her in a horrible indecision.

In the face of the inevitable indecision of a new government, around which care had been taken to accumulate in advance every impossibility of acting, the decided bearing of the extreme South, its airs of audacity and defiance have had a certain éclat and a certain success.

For an instant indecision flickered in Adelaide's look, but she lacked the complete courage to add that to the listto tell any human being that she had said his hands were stubby; and so her eyes fell before her daughter's.

Decision is a sharp knife that cuts clear and straight and lays bare the fat and the lean; indecision, a dull one that hacks and tears and leaves ragged edges behind it.

They went a little way off with marked indecision, turning repeatedly to look at him once more.

She had listened to much impassioned oratory, with a sickening surprise that it should leave her half-hearted in the cause of peace at any price; and she had gone to take her train for home, troubled with a monstrous indecision.

The closed door fascinated Ailsa, distressed, harrowed her, till she stood there twisting her hands between desire and pallid indecision.

The young noble had permitted his people to pursue the direction originally taken, in pure indecision.

He could neither eat nor sleep on the way to Nome, but paced the deck in restless indecision.

I have always had a great deal of sympathy with that personage, for I share his temperamental indecision.

He desired a troubled indecision on which he might brood until he could shape it at will to a more vague or determinate form, according to the momentary state of his soul.

It required three days of womanly indecision to bring her to this way of looking at the situation.

On the face of the little girl as she told me that she would meet me at the ministry of munitions the next morning there was a look of worried indecision.

And then she knew that no thought of going back had had any part in his brief indecision.

28 adjectives to describe  indecisions