32 adjectives to describe plums

Then, to make the sight he gazed on still more enchanting, just as the sun went down the colour of the hills changed from stone blue to a purple that was like the purple of ripe plums and grapes, only more beautiful and bright.

Why, Colossus, you most of been dosted with sumthin'; yo' plum crazy.

When the fruit course, which consisted of yellow plums, was eaten, the Baron gave the young birds, as he called the children, permission to fly freely about.

On our way I ran ahead of my mother and was reaching out my hand to pick some purple plums that grew on a small bush, when I was checked by a low "Sh!" from my mother.

Five to ten centimes (1 to 2 cents) would buy 7 or 8 large Brazilian nuts and 6 to 8 fine juicy pears, or as many delicious plums, of which I was extremely fond.

NANKO If you happen to have any crystallized plums there, Rada, you might give me one.

Here's cheese new pressed in rushes for everyone who comes, And, lo, Pomona sends us her choicest golden plums.

They had discovered that the lovely plums in the Rector's garden were ripe and they meant to steal them.

It is still further valuable both on account of the rich autumnal tint of the foliage, and pretty plum colour of the plentifully produced fruit.

Here's cheese new pressed in rushes for everyone who comes, And, lo, Pomona sends us her choicest golden plums.

You're plum foolish to act this way.

SHE comes in carrying a basket, full of fragrant plums; her hands are sticky from their sugariness, her hair tumbled.

I'm plum' anxious for another look at 'em.

Stew some juicy plums or apples slowly to a pulp with sugar to taste.

You are such an adept in the nameless little attentions that women loveso profuse with lesser sugar-plums of speech and actionthat after two weeks one's husband is really necessary as an antidote.

" Then swiftly Cerberus' wide mouths I cram With army biscuit smeared with ration jam; And sleep lurks in the luscious plum and apple.

Of indigenous fruits, etc., we observed the adansonia, or gouty-stemmed tree of Sir G. Grey (nearly allied to the baobab or monkey bread-fruit of Southern Africa), sweet and water melons similar to those formerly seen by me on the Lyons River, but of much larger size; a small gourd; a wild fig, well-tasted; and a sweet plum, very palatable, were found in tolerable abundance.

Some one in a company quoting the passage from "Henry V.," "So work the honey-bees," and each "picking out his pet plum" from that perfect piece of natural history, Wordsworth objected to the line, "The singing masons building roofs of gold," because, he said, of the unpleasant repetition of the "ing" in it!

That which was not gratified, always resented the injury with a loud outcry, which put my mistress in a fury at me, and procured sugar-plums to the child.

The objections raised against raw plums do not apply to the cooked fruit, which even the invalid may eat in moderation.

And if, like Little Jack Horner, you can occasionally put in your thumb and pull out a sulphitic plum from your acquaintance, be thankful for that,

Of indigenous fruits, etc., we observed the adansonia, or gouty-stemmed tree of Sir G. Grey (nearly allied to the baobab or monkey bread-fruit of Southern Africa), sweet and water melons similar to those formerly seen by me on the Lyons River, but of much larger size; a small gourd; a wild fig, well-tasted; and a sweet plum, very palatable, were found in tolerable abundance.

The two last dishes were covered with a German sauce, with gilt sugar-plums, and pomegranate seeds....

They brought grain, butter and cheese and a great deal of fine fruit to sellI bought some of the wild, aromatic plums of the country, at the rate of thirty for a cent.

I'se been plum blind for 23 years.

32 adjectives to describe  plums