34 adjectives to describe reunion

Yet amid these tears, and with this sadness, hope whispered of a glad meeting in the futureof a joyful reunion.

" The party grouped themselves round the candle, as they had done on the previous occasion, when Diggory had watched their movements from behind the pile of forms, and Thurston, with an inquiring look at Fletcher, asked, "Well, what's the object of this pleasant little reunion?"

Refuses to attend fifty-fifth reunion of his class.

They had no hope of her recovery, nor could they heartily desire it; for they believed her earthly happiness was wrecked for ever, and they could ask no better fate for her than a speedy reunion with her Roger in a home beyond the grave.

She met Vronsky at several of these brilliant reunions.

In a day or two we shall separate, probably forever; but both, I doubt not, will be happier through life for this brief reunion.

Startling reunion.

That night we had a jolly reunion around the camp-fires.

" The party grouped themselves round the candle, as they had done on the previous occasion, when Diggory had watched their movements from behind the pile of forms, and Thurston, with an inquiring look at Fletcher, asked, "Well, what's the object of this pleasant little reunion?"

The two sang duets, or Caroline recited poems, while Carl improvised accompaniments; excursions to the fields, and water parties, and hilarious reunions of the opera-troupe kept life busy.

What a joyous reunion that was, I will leave you to imagine.

It was an indescribably mournful reunion.

Musical reunions in the gardens of the Pitti Palace were of constant recurrence, where he and his children danced and sang to their hearts' content, amid the plaudits of the company.

This nocturnal reunion was a continual complaint against social injustice.

Sometimes a small attempt at music produces a partial reunion; a few of the most daring youths animated by the consciousness of curled hair and smart waistcoats, approach the piano-forte, and begin to mutter a little to the half-grown pretty things, who are comparing with one another 'how many quarters' music they have had.'

Le Prince de Bismarck a l'honneur de prevenir Son Excellence, Monsieur Waddington, que la premiere reunion du Congres aura lieu le 13 juin a deux heures, au Palais du Chancelier de l'Empire, 77, Wilhelmstrasse.

Oh, 'twas a pretty reunion!

At banquet hall, regimental reunion or campfire, whenever mention is made of the glorious record of Minnesota volunteers in the great Civil war, seldom, if ever, is the First Minnesota battery given credit for its share in the long struggle.

It appears that in the first ages of the Church, Sunday was a day of solemn reunion and of common prayer.

The hours thus passed pleasantly away; and, except when Kevimâ, joined us at the evening meal, adding a new and unexpected pleasure to Eveena's natural delight in this sudden reunion, we remained undisturbed until a very low electric signal, sounding apparently through several chambers at once, recalled Esmo's mind to the duties before him.

She bade Madame de la Tour the most tender farewell, 'in the hope,' she said, 'of a sweet and eternal reunion.

This was of the surviving members of his own class of 1810, who returned to New Haven for their thirtieth reunion in 1840.

They shook hands with shining faces, forgetting the water, genuinely glad at the unexpected reunion.

At the outset (220-280) there were three kingdoms (Wei, Wu, Shu Han); then came an unstable reunion during twenty-seven years (280-307) under the rule of the Western Chin.

I have been serving the Scottish Rite Masons in their annual reunion every six months for forty-one years.

34 adjectives to describe  reunion