20 Metaphors for silent

Silent now is their greeting, as the weary grandfather lays down with them in the place of graves: But eternity!

Your face tells more'n a whole book, an' believe me, Jim Silent is a quick reader.

Jim Silent had been a grim plague, but at least he was human.

Silent are the "yarns" with which he used to while away the time when off his watch and huddling under the lee of the capstan with his messmates.

Silent now is their greeting, as the weary grandfather lays down with them in the place of graves: But eternity!

Silent, silent as they could constrain themselves to be, were mother and sisters as they stood by the windows and got their last look of the procession as it wound down the road.

Oh! had I Philomela's tongue, The thrush's note, or warbling song Of blackbird, lark, or linnet; I'd then more gratitude display, Striving to raise a sweeter lay, I'd sing the fleeting hours away, Nor silent be a minute.

"The landscape smiles Calm in the sun; and silent are the hills And valleys, and the blue serene of air.

Silent is the vistula; the story of the Warsaw uprising.

I've trailed some fast gunmen in my day, and I have an idea that Silent will be the hardest of the lot; but if you play your end of the game we may land him.

If "The Visionary" does not touch that supernal place, it belongs indubitably to the borderland: Silent is the house; all are laid asleep: One alone looks out o'er the snow-wreaths deep, Watching every cloud, dreading every breeze That whirls the wildering drift and bends the groaning trees.

Silent were the wheels in many factories which once turned out the comforts and luxuries of civilization.

"He figures that Wells Fargo got a hunch that Silent was layin' for the train that was to carry it.

Cumberland went on: "Every night Silent has been seein' them eyes that glow yaller in the dark.

And when he had come into the courtyard, two attendants immediately appeared and took his horse and assisted him to dismount; but neither of these attendants said aught to him, but both were as silent as deaf-mutes.

The people in the restaurant never spoke above a whisper, and when the troops passed were as silent as death.

Every thing was as silent as midnight; and the smugglers were obliged to move very carefully, for the slightest soundthe snapping of a twig or the rustling of a leafcould be heard at a long distance.

The sublime whirl of planets around their suns is as silent as raindrops oozing in the dark among the roots of plants.

They sometimes said things they were ashamed to remember, but both men grew carefuller at crucial moments, and the talkative one more silent as time went on.

I wonder if any other town of its size is as silent as Versailles.

20 Metaphors for  silent