36 Metaphors for standards

However deficient may be the practice of erring mortals, the ideal standard in theory, is veracity, and not falsehood.

Such descriptions must be judged in their settings, and the sole standard of judgment is not their beauty or completeness as descriptions, but how well they give the desired impressions.

George Eliot well says that "no man ever struggled to retain power over a mixed multitude without suffering vitiation; his standard must be their lower needs, and not his own best insight."

"The standard of measurement of water in Southern California is the miner's inch under four inches pressure, or the amount that will flow through an inch-square opening under a pressure of four inches measured from the surface of the water in the conduit to the centre of the opening through which it flows.

The Normal Standard of Personality must necessarily be the reproduction in Individuality of what the Universal Mind is in itself, because, by the nature of the Creative Process, this standard results from Spirit's Self-contemplation at the stage where its recognition is turned toward its own power of Initiative and Selection.

Fifty years ago the standard of British workmanship was the acknowledged mark of excellence in the industrial world, while it has been pointed out in an earlier chapter that the English standards, of character displayed in conduct, described in one aspect by the word "gentleman," and in another by the expression "fair-play," form the best part of the nation's inheritance.

Now the standard of spiritual insight is the person of a thousand years of age.

The standards of public opinion have been her safeguard in the past, and she still looks to them for guidance, not realizing how often such commonly accepted views are misinterpretations of the problems she herself has to face today.

To this I reply that the "North Carolina Standard," the paper which contains it, is a large six columned weekly paper, handsomely printed and ably edited; it is the leading Democratic paper in that state, and is published at Raleigh, the Capital of the state, Thomas Loring, Esq.

The standards of perfection and scales of points laid down by the specialist clubs are usually admirable guides to the uninitiated, but they are often unreasonably arbitrary in their insistence upon certain details of formgenerally in the neighbourhood of the headwhile they leave the qualities of type and character to look after themselves or to be totally ignored.

Hearts of oak, etc. Britannia triumphant, her ships sweep the sea; Her standard is Justice her watchword, "Be free!" Then cheer up, my lads!

What an inadequate, mean standard is human intellect when it comes to measure anything great, awesome, or very lofty.

A simple standard in which to express the debt is the thing borrowed, as horse, sheep, wheat, house.

His standard of morals was Epicurean, inasmuch as it was utilitarian, taking as the exclusive test of right and wrong, the tendency of actions to produce pleasure or pain.

In all these writings the standard of reference was human passion.

The legion's standard was the eagle, borne by the oldest centurion of the first cohort.

As for me, I am off again to my quarters to quaff and laugh with my two hundred men-at-arms, in readiness to march when your standard is a-field, but not thither."

Before the whites came to the Blackfoot country, the Indian standard of value was eagle tail-feathers.

So will there be if the standard is the quiet, cleanly inn of many towns in this country and in parts of Europe.

"The single standard of morality" offered by all advanced women's-rights advocates will necessarily be a levelling down, not a levelling up; and in a society where the life of the ordinary young woman is that which at least was that of the ordinary young man about town, it is hardly likely that there will be any stricter legislation.

If the standard is the ostentatious structure of the larger cities of this country, with its elaborate menu and its systematized service, there will doubtless be cause for complaint.

But all those thousand different standards and traditions are our material, each with something fine, and each with something evil.

The standard of the normal must obviously not be a single standard, but a series of standards, depending upon which glands predominate, and how the others adapt themselves to its predominance.

This standard, which is an object of peculiar reverence among the Mussulman, was originally the curtain of the chamber door of Mahomet's favourite wife.

Yet our standard of judgment would be truer if we considered, instead, the success of that thing in performing its own particular task.

36 Metaphors for  standards