46 Words to use with weeds

Presently, having cleared the end of it, and keeping to that side which was further from the great mass of the weed-continent, we opened out a bay that curved inward to a sandy beach, most seductive to our tired eyes.

" Pearl hastily put on a coat and went to the barn to give the unwelcome news to her father and Teddy, who were busy fanning out the weed seeds from the seed grain.

The loons lay in the sea and fished, but the life and movement was upon the long sea-weed banks along the coast.

Evidently he was well-bred and evidently he was not an agent for a new style of seeding harrow or weed killer.

There she sat, she knew not how long, listening, listening, like a hunted hare; her whole faculties concentrated in the one sense of hearing; her eyes wandering vacantly over the black saws of rock, and glistening oar-weed beds, and bright phosphoric sea.

In May there is a good deal of weed-cutting to be done on a trout stream.

So soon as I was fully waked, I perceived that a low moon hung above the horizon, and shed a very ghostly light across the great weed world to starboard.

THE SHIMMER OF THE SOUND In the long shimmer of the Sound May I some day be laughing found, Part of its restless to and fro, A humble worker of the tides That round the sleepless planet flow, And in the rock and drift of things (O how the sea-weed sways and swings!

" Tsz-lu was following the Master, but had dropped behind on the way, when he encountered an old man with a weed-basket slung on a staff over his shoulder.

Perhaps a minute passed, and then there came shouts from all parts of the hilltop, and I knew that the weed men were upon us, and in the same instant there came two above the edge near me, rising with a ghostly quietness, yet moving lithely.

For a time nothing but eyes, and then he speaks of tentacles streaming out and parting the weed fronds this way and that.

Then, about an hour after I had waked the bo'sun, one of the men who had been tending the fires came up to him to say that we had come to the end of our supply of weed-fuel.

There is a touch of the old skill here and there, as in such stanzas as this: With half a moon, and clouds rose-pink, And water-lilies just in bud, With iris on the river-brink, And white weed-garlands on the mud, And roses thin and pale as dreams, And happy cygnets born in May, No wonder if our country seems Drest out for Freedom's natal day.

The hotel, with its suites of musty rooms, is a big tomb; the factory chimneys are cold; the villas have no glass in them, and the fire-weed glows in the centre of the driveways, mocking the arrogant advertisements in the empty shops.

[Illustration: The harm-less Newt is to be seen In stag-nant ponds, with duck-weed green.]

We see, then, that (1) green sea-weed grows by the shore; (2) brownish-green sea-weed likes deeper water; (3) red sea-weed grows in deep water; and (4) in very deep water there is no weed at all.

He entered for the purpose of careening his little vessels in order to remove the barnacles and accumulated weed-growth.

Many other sea-weeds are good to eat, and on some coasts there is a regular sea-weed harvest.

It unfortunately appens that, where the land is the most worked, and the roots the more broken thereby, the more the crop of weeds increases on the land.

And all the while we kept the great waste of weed upon our starboard side, and apart from the mainland of the weed, as it were, there were scattered about an uncountable number of weed islets and banks, and there were thin patches of it that appeared scarce above the water, and through these later we let the boat sail; for they had not sufficient density to impede our progress more than a little.

Next followed what we may call fire-weed literature,the first rank, raw product of new lands.

When the task is done there is a weed-nursery about the size of your fist.

I peeped from midst great weed-pads, and saw the diver as he reached the bottom of the sea.

These weed patches were the hiding places of the jackrabbits.

Searchingly, at first suspiciously, then hesitatingly, with a return of the colour that came as easily as a prairie wind stirs the down of a milk-weed plant, Elizabeth Landor returned his look.

46 Words to use with  weeds