194 collocations for sow

Froebel died too soon to see his ideals realised, but he had sown the seed in the heart of at least one woman with brain to grasp and will to execute.

Eras you have mentioned, Patricia has certain notionsNorthern idiocies about the awfulness of a young fellow's sowing his wild oats, which you and I know perfectly well he is going to do, anyhow, if he is worth his salt.

But not satisfied with such means of accumulating the supreme power, he sowed dissensions between the rich classes and the poor, and after fomenting fictitious grievances, terminating in open quarrel, he succeeded in having all complaints laid before him for decision.


Wandering tribes could not till and sow the fields.

On the very day that the Mayflower set sail, and while its white sails could still be distinguished in the eastern horizon, the Governorwho took an active part in every occupation, and even every labor that engaged the settlerswas busily employed in sowing corn in the fields that were considered as the common property of the colony.

The people went to sow wheat.

"We shall be sowing dragons' teeth.

The man has lived to serve me, to spread black looks under color of religion, or to sow tares in the wheat-field, as you do, in a course of weak compliance with desire.

An' we'll sow two thousand acres of winter wheat.

I suppose you'll sow the usual crop of wild oats before you've done.

He gave her an evasive reply, and then murmured to himself, as he picked a handful of orange lilies: "It is an institution of the Evil One to sow discord among brothers.

Some of the people neither sowed their lands, nor improved them by any kind of culture, living upon milk and flesh, and, like the Arabs, encamping without any settled habitation.

[Illustration] She asked of the farmer to sow her some grain, But the farmer he laughed till his sides ached again.

But when 'tis once descended to the stomach, And sends up noisome vapours to the brain, 'Twill make them swagger gallantly; they'll rage Most strangely, or Acrasia's art deceives her; When if my lady stir her nimble tongue, And closely sow contentious words amongst them, O, what a stabbing there will be!

" His idea of good cultivation in these years was to let his fields lie fallow at certain intervals, though he also made use of manure, marl, etc., and in 1772 tried the experiment of sowing two bushels of salt per acre upon fallow ground, dividing the plot up into strips eight feet in width and sowing the alternate strips in order that he might be able to determine results.

Art thou sowing thy WILD OATS yet (the harvest time was still to come with thee) upon casual sands of Avernus?

The farmer sowed turnips and carrots when the under-soil produce came to his lot, and barley or wheat when his turn was the over-soil produce.

I sowed the flowers and dug the place to put them.

For winter use sow the prickly-seeded variety in August and September, and thin the plants out 9 in.

Trade was not very brisk, it being the rainy season, when the Arabs are occupied with sowing the ground; the busy time is from September to January.

It is sown a natural body; it is raised [or springs up, to complete the figure] a spiritual body.

In this same year, 1760, we find him sowing clover, rye, grass, hope, trefoil, timothy, spelt, which was a species of wheat, and various other grasses and vegetables, most of them to all intents and purposes unknown to the Virginia agriculture of that day.

All things should not be sown in rich land, nor should thin land be left unsown, for it is better to sow in light soil those things which do not require much nourishment, such as snail clover and the legumes, except always chick peas (for this also is a legume like the other plants which are not reaped but from which the grain is plucked) because those things which it is the custom to pluck (legere) are called legumes.

Thus it is said "When the sloe tree is as white as a sheet, Sow your barley whether it be dry or wet.

194 collocations for  sow