192 examples of dike in sentences

The truth was, he could barely trust himself to speak lest mere words work on his guard like tiny streams that sap the strength of the dike till it breaks and looses the pent and devastating seas.

But Louis Boisot, admiral of Zealand, promptly repaired to attack this force; and after a severe action he totally defeated it, and killed De Glimes, one of its admirals, under the eyes of Requesens himself, who, accompanied by his suite, stood during the whole affair on the dike of Schakerloo.

To enable them to inundate the immense plain which stretched between Lillo and Strabrock up to the walls of Antwerp, it was necessary to cut through the dike which defended it against the irruptions of the eastern Scheldt.

This plain was traversed by a high and wide counter-dike, called the dike of Couvestien; and Alexander, knowing its importance, had early taken possession of and strongly defended it by several forts.

This plain was traversed by a high and wide counter-dike, called the dike of Couvestien; and Alexander, knowing its importance, had early taken possession of and strongly defended it by several forts.

The confederates were forced to abandon the attack, leaving three thousand dead upon the dike or at its base; and the Spaniards lost full eight hundred men.

Bennington instinctively put his finger on his lips to enjoin silence, and peered cautiously over the edge of the dike.

Three men were clambering a trifle laboriously over the broken rocks at the foot of the dike, swearing a little at their unstable footing, but all apparently much in earnest in their conversation.

At some dike side.

The fort communicates with the main-land by a dike or causeway about half a mile long, and a wooden bridge, perhaps three hundred feet long, and then there spreads out a tract of country, well wooded and dotted over with farms.

On the 23d of May General Butler ordered the first reconnoitring expedition, which consisted of a part of the Vermont Regiment, and proceeded under the command of Colonel Phelps over the dike and bridge towards Hampton.

The property is bisected by an immense straight dike, which is called the Middle Wash, and which is so sluggish, so straight, so ugly, and so deep, as to impress the mind of a stranger with the ideas of suicide.

As he said this out upon the dike-side he looked about him with manifest regret that he had no other audience than his brother-in-law.

Would they be so good as to walk down to the edge of the great dike, opposite to Twopenny Farm, at nine o'clock?

Of course they went down to the dike,Mr. Caldigate, John Caldigate, and Hester there, outside Mr. Holt's farmyard, just far enough to avoid danger to the hay-ricks and corn-stacks there was blazing an enormous bonfire.

Avery Fund, for Mendi M. 715.00 C.F. Dike Fund, for Straight U. 50.00 Gen'l Clinton B. Fisk Sch'p Fund, for Fisk U. 30.00 Gen'l Endowment Fund.

By Dixie Willson, pictures by Phil Dike.

There had been a thunder-shower as they drew near, followed by a rush of wind that pinned them to a dike, swept the road bare, banged every door in the glen, and then sank suddenly as if it had never been, like a mole in the sand.

"Us 'ud dike out in spick an' span clean clothes come Sund'ys.

In the midst of that great harbor of La Rochelle he sank sixty hulks of vessels filled with stone; then, across the harbor,nearly a mile wide, and, in places, more than eight hundred feet deep,he began building over these sunken ships a great dike and wall,thoroughly fortified, carefully engineered, faced with sloping layers of hewn stone.

Yet it is but fair to admit that there was one storm which did not beat against Richelieu's dike.

While he urged on the army to work upon the dike, he organized a French navy, and in due time brought it around to that coast and anchored it so as to guard the dike and to be guarded by it.

While he urged on the army to work upon the dike, he organized a French navy, and in due time brought it around to that coast and anchored it so as to guard the dike and to be guarded by it.

Not only Richelieu's place, but his life, was in danger, and he well knew it; yet he never left his dike and siege-works, but wrought on steadily until they were done; and then the King, of his own will, in very shame, broke away from his courtiers, and went back to his master.

Even when they had seen two English fleets, sent to aid them, driven back from Richelieu's dike, they still held out manfully.

192 examples of  dike  in sentences