1694 examples of hardship in sentences

The creek eventually ran out into dry flats, so Buchanan struck westward to the telegraph line, which he reached after some hardship, a little to the south of Tennant's Creek.

Stockdale himself had to undergo some hardship before reaching the Overland Line.

As winter was now approaching, there was however no spring in the vegetation, and their horses were suffering great hardship.

Something Esther said made Felix ask suddenly, "Can you imagine yourself choosing hardship as the better lot?"

And thus thrown back upon direct taxation, how many years would it take to open the eyes of the poorer classes of Secessia to the hardship of their position and its causes?

He said:"Heal, O Master (i.e. God), the foot of your own servant who bears much toil and hardship on your account."

" Thenceforth Mochudain honour of Fionanpermitted his monks to accept horses and oxen from the people and he freed them from the hardship alluded to.

As soon as Mochuda saw the hardship to the visiting brothers and elders of the descent from Lismore and the ascent thereto againknowing at the same time that his end was approachinghe ordered himself to be carried up to the monastery so that the monks might be saved the fatigue of the descent to him.

In short, it was, in the earlier ages of the Mosaic system, practically to unjew him, a hardship and rigor grievous to be borne, as it annihilated a visible distinction between the descendants of Abraham and the Strangersa distinction vital to the system, and gloried in by every Jew.

Or can we read between the lines of the war news, diplomatic disputations, threats and accusations, political wranglings and stories of hardship and cruelty that now fill our papers, anything that still justifies a hope that these bitter years of world sorrow are the darkness before the dawn of a better day for mankind?

It may mean simply an ebb of vigour on both sides, unusual hardship, a general social and economic disorganisation and grading down.

There existed amongst it no tradition of the great hardship of war, such as the French possessed, to steel its mind.

Neither conclusive victories nor defeats have been theirs, but only a slow, vast transition from joyful effort and an illusion of rapid triumph to hardship, loss and loss and loss of substance, the dwindling of great hopes, the realisation of ebb in the tide of national welfare.

On the other hand, they are faithful to their trust, brave after their fashion, temperate, and patient of hardship and privation beyond belief.

Like all compulsion, this has no doubt been considered a hardship.

Religious by instinct, obedient to discipline, skilled in handicrafts, inured to hardship, and accustomed to support life on the scantiest conceivable pittance, we cannot imagine a more fitting object for our pity, nor a more encouraging one for our effort, than the members of India's "submerged tenth.

They knew not where they were to stop, but they were men of eager initiative, fearless and determined; and their consolation was that, while their exodus into the desert meant hardship and grievous suffering, it also promised them freedom from Gentile interference.

Nor did the marches ever cease to be fraught with peril and, hardship.

If he could hold them together under the alluring tales of gold-finds that were brought over the mountains, he had no longer any fear that they might fall away under mere physical hardship.

So, when the snow came at last, the final touch of hardship, driving furiously about the unprotected women and children, putting wild fear into the heart of every man, he remained calm and sure and defiant.

Even the certainty that her life of hardship was ended, that she was at least sure not to die of privation, had failed to call out any radiance upon her.

It is, however, by no means the most shapely or the biggest personages who endure hardship the best.

Here, in the depth of winter, without shelter or means of subsistence, the pious monks suffered great hardship.

There was some talk of a cold, but the truth was she died of privation, and of the filth and hardship of her spoilt life.

Every additional hardship was cheerfully endured.

1694 examples of  hardship  in sentences