36 examples of toque in sentences

He gave a cry of rapture when Valentine at last made her appearance gowned in a delicious travelling dress, with a cavalier toque on her head.

he asked, holding up a little lady in hunting costume of amaranth and gold with a toque and plume of white feathers.

La luna se dejaba ver á intervalos por entre los jirones de las nubes que volaban en derredor nuestro, rozando casi con la tierra, y las campanas de Trasmoz dejaban oir lentamente el toque de oraciones, como el final de la horrible historia que me acababan de referir.

El terror llego á apoderarse de los ánimos en un grado tal, que al toque de oraciones nadie se aventuraba á salir de su casa, en la que no siempre se creían seguros de los bandidos del peñón.

Al dar de las ánimas El toque postrero, Acabó una

toque, m., touch, blast, peal, stroke, ringing (or tolling) of bells; el de oraciones, ringing for prayers; call to prayers; al de oraciones, when summoned to prayers; when the bells rang for prayers.

'A skin-tight indigo silk Jersey bodice, closely studded with dark blue beads, a flounced petticoat of indigo and amber foulard, an amber scarf drawn tightly round the hips, and a dark blue toque with a large bunch of amber poppies.

A neat chocolate-coloured cloth, almost new from the tailor's hands, with a little cloth toque to match, would do for the wedding journey.

She had a little brown velvet toque to match the Newmarket, and thus attired she would be able to take her seat on the drag which was waiting on the quietest side of Covent Garden.

Finally Lettice danced a pas seul with the white rose toque perched on the back of her head, and she made such kicks and jumps that it lurched off, and landed in the water jug!

he ejaculated, an exclamation called forth by the fact that the last person to alight from the bus was a slim young person in a trim, tailored, navy blue suit and a tiny black velvet toque whose air bespoke Paris, a person with eyes which were precisely the color of violets which grow in the deepest woods.

This gem was worn by Count Wilhelm as a clasp to the plume in his toque at a fancy ball given by one of the Metternich family, at which he appeared in the costume of Henri III. of France.

She pulled off the toque.

She twisted up her tangled hair, replaced her toque and untied the dangling snowshoe.

Ils avoient pour vêtement des robes dont les manches, larges de plus d'un pied et demi, dépassoient leur bras, et pour toque un chapeau rond terminé en pointe, de laine cramoisie, et velu; mais ce chapeau, au lieu d'avoir sa toile tortillée tout autour, comme l'ont les autres Maures, l'avoit pendante fort bas des deux côtés, dans toute sa largeur.

J'y achetai deux longues robes blanches qui me descenoient jusqu'au talon, une toque accomplie (turban complet), une ceinture de toile, une braie (caleçon) de futaine pour y mettre le bas de ma robe, deux petits sacs ou besaces, l'un pour mon usage, l'autre pour suspendre à la tête de mon cheval quand je lui ferois manger son orge et

Je partis donc, le lendemain 6 Octobre, accompagné d'un moucre, que je chargeai d'abord de transporter hors de la ville mes habillemens Turcs, parce qu'il n'est point permis à un chrétien d'y paroître avec la toque blanche.

She wore her almost flaxen-gold hair waved, and parted low on the forehead, beneath a black astrachan toque, with a red enamel maple-leaf hatpin in one side of it.

For example, any morning we are liable to find this: Would the lady (?) in the purple toque note that, though it may be the thing in her home to disregard the feelings of others, the abstraction of someone else's chair at a White Sale at Blankridge's is not the thing.

As she walked out before him my eyes followed her,—the erect figure, free and graceful, but with a charming dignity and poise, and the gold of her fair hair glinting under her black toque.

A long cloak covered her, and a fur toque capped her graceful head.

Her flight had shaken the toque to an unwonted angle; her breath came quick and hard as she tugged at the latch eagerly.

And when she had gone, Mrs. Morley had told her sister who had come in to tea how beautiful Countess Shulski was and how very regal looking, "but she had on such plain, almost shabby, black clothes, Minnie dear, and a small black toque, and then the most splendid sable wrapthose very grand people do have funny tastes, don't they?

And he bent and kissed her white cheek, while he tenderly began to remove the pins from her fur toque.

Much time had evidently been spent in adjusting the drooping leathers of his jewelled toque, and no pains had been spared in properly disposing the plaits of his fraise and ruffles, or in arranging the folds of his broidered mantle.

36 examples of  toque  in sentences