Which preposition to use with hare

in Occurrences 36%

He'd just been down to the water-hole, and in the faint light he'd seen the Boy far down on the river-trail "leppin" like a hare in the direction of the Roosian mission.

of Occurrences 8%

O Hodge, Dick Coomes hath been as good as a cry of hounds, to make a breath'd[400] hare of me!

at Occurrences 8%

Conceding two stone, he fought a draw with the famous Billy McQuire, and afterwards, for a purse of fifty pounds, he defeated Sam Hare at the Pelican Club, London.

to Occurrences 7%

He gave a gurgling cry, struggled down out of Nicholas's arms, and folded the white hare to his breast.

for Occurrences 6%

And 'tis not nearly so beastly as seeing a prize fought by men, and not more cruel, I take it, than the shooting of birds and hares for sport, seeing that the agony of death is no greater for a sturdy bull than for a timid coney, and hath this advantage, that the bull, when exhausted, is despatched quickly, whereas the bird or hare may just escape capture, to die a miserable long death with a shattered limb.

with Occurrences 5%

To roast a HARE with a pudding in the belly.

by Occurrences 5%

The French in Algiers kill all the fat cats, and turn them into hares by dexterous cooking.

through Occurrences 4%

[103] hare through rustling corn; The sportive outcry of the mocking owl; [104]

on Occurrences 3%

He sprang upright in the bed, and held out his withered paw with a kind of wild majesty, as he shouted, 'There ain't such a head of hares on any manor in the county.

into Occurrences 3%

Cut the hare into small pieces, wash it and put it into a stew-pan, with a knuckle of veal; put in it a gallon of water, a little salt, and a handful of sweet herbs; let it stew 'till the gravy be good; fry a little of the hare to brown the soop; you may put in it some crusts of write bread among the meat to thicken the soop; put it into a dish, with a little stew'd spinage, crisp'd bread, and a few forc'd-meat balls.

from Occurrences 3%

" "Truly, I am grateful to thee for the thought of me," quoth Little John, "but have no fear, brother; my limbs are stout, and I could run like a hare from here to Gainsborough.

before Occurrences 2%

Here, I say, the course is clear, the way is obvious, but no sooner do we enter on the last chapters than the story begins to show incipient shiftiness, and soon it doubles back and turns, growing with every turn weaker like a hare before the hounds.

out Occurrences 2%

The fox dropped the hare out of his mouth and stood looking at him, and then our gentleman saw at the first glance that this was not his wife.

around Occurrences 2%

He ran with the quickness of a hare around the end of the cabin, past the window, and then stopped to listen, his automatic in his hand, his eye piercing the gloom for some moving shadow.

without Occurrences 1%

Even if you don't know, tell them all the same; the great art of a good cook consists in making jugged hare without hare of a

across Occurrences 1%

Just as we use French dogs to chase hares across the plain, so do these fishermen catch fish by means of a fish trained for that purpose.

after Occurrences 1%

I could not run with the hare after hunting with the hounds.

amidst Occurrences 1%

The clouds had broken up, and the moon was shining above the great rocks at the foot of which I knew that the owl was flying silently and searching with glowing eyes for the happy, unsuspecting mouse or young hare amidst the thyme and bracken.

amongst Occurrences 1%

but in the morning, bearing with the Revenge, was hunted like a hare amongst many ravenous houndes, but escaped' {4} to learn, in after years, in company with hapless Keymis, only too much about that Trinidad and Gulf of Paria whither we were bound.

as Occurrences 1%

Oaugaugee, Little Crow, 4, 12, a son-in-law of Naugitchigome, brought some hares as a present. 27th.

down Occurrences 1%

She left Jeanie behind, overtook and passed the two younger children, and raced like a hare down the slope.

off Occurrences 1%

He must have looked like a god to her; but, for that matter, he was a sight to turn any untamed female heart, whether the owner et Belgian hare off of silver service or boiled jack-rabbit out of a coal-oil can.

over Occurrences 1%

It was carrying a hare over its shoulder so that it was nearly all hidden from him.

about Occurrences 1%

Projects involving the investment of £500,000,000 were set on foot in a very little while; the contagion of purchasing spread to all the provincial towns; the traditionally staid and sober Englishman got as mad as a March hare about them; Mr. Murdle reigned triumphant; and, in the end, the nation had to pay for its delirium with another season of panic, misery, and ruin.

Which preposition to use with  hare