Which preposition to use with hissing

of Occurrences 64%

I could hear the hiss of the question.

in Occurrences 42%

The logs were hissing in the fire.

of Occurrences 38%

He was conscious of cruel torment and a clumsy transfer into another vehicle, confused sounds of groans, curses, waving lights, and the hissing of escaping steam almost in his very ears.

at Occurrences 35%

" "Just try it," Laura hissed at them dramatically from the head of the stairs.

through Occurrences 17%

Then from an hundred brawny throats a roar went up to heaven, a cry that hissed through clenched teeth and rang from eager lips, wilder, fiercer than before.

from Occurrences 15%

I admit gladly, however, my love of onions, whether they come hissing from the skillet, or lie in their first tender whiteness.

like Occurrences 12%

Young "Rats" commenced to hiss like a small steam-engine, while Grundy made frantic but futile attempts to reach over from the desk behind and smite him on the head with a French dictionary.

into Occurrences 9%

" Nancy had enough presence of mind to intercept Kitty and hiss into her ear: "Borrow a loaf of bread from Mrs. Popham, we are short; and see if you can find any way to get strawberries from Bill Harmon's; it was to have been a bread-and-milk supper on the piazza, to-night, and it must be hurriedly changed into a Consular banquet!

over Occurrences 8%

But, miraculously, no bullets came near them, no whistling was about their ears, no ping and smack of impacting lead hailed about themexcept, yes, just the fire of one rifle or two that sent aimed bullet after bullet hissing over them.

with Occurrences 8%

So many affronts, so many pinpricks, day after day, had made his heart quiver, lodging in it to sleep the sleep of lethargic vipers, and they now were awaking to shake and hiss with fury.

off Occurrences 7%

"If he said that, sir, he ought to have been hissed off the stage, sir; and turned out of the company, sir!

along Occurrences 7%

All shod with steel We hissed along the polished ice, in games Confederate, imitative of the chase And woodland pleasuresthe resounding horn, The pack loud-chiming and the hunted hare.

amidst Occurrences 6%

When he had just turned Egypt into a funeral pile; while his curse yet blazed upon her unburied dead, and his bolts still hissed amidst her slaughter, and the smoke of her torment went upwards because she had "ROBBED THE POOR," did He license the VICTIMS of robbery to rob the poor of ALL?

for Occurrences 6%

Poor Cooke could not plead in excuse what an actor did on being hissed for too sober a representation of a drunken part, "Ladies and gentlemen, I beg your pardon: but it is really the first time I ever was intoxicated.

on Occurrences 5%

They sprang here and there, and presently the thick slices of bacon were hissing on the pan, and the clouds of bacon smoke wafted through the cabin.

between Occurrences 5%

In a husky voice she hissed between her teeth, "I am a Dakota woman!" From her unerring long knife the enemy falls heavily at her feet.

across Occurrences 4%

Pap Himes's voice hissed across the loud explosive tones.

past Occurrences 4%

Donnegan leaped lightly to one side, and the knife, hissing past his head, buried itself in the wall, and its vibrations set up a vicious humming.

against Occurrences 3%

Pete spun the big Colt and shoved it back into the holster so incredibly fast that the steel hissed against the leather.

under Occurrences 3%

Eager for any chance I hissed under my breath; "Danger!

out Occurrences 2%

He asserted that "The acceptance of such a principle would cause the clergy of England to be hissed out of the society of God's Holy Catholic Church."

around Occurrences 2%

They appeared with the countenances of furies, and the snakes hissed around their temples.

beneath Occurrences 2%

He got out and beckoned me to follow, which I obediently did, and together we crawled through the jungle, with the bandar-log chattering above us andfor all I know to the contrarysnakes hissing beneath our feet.

by Occurrences 2%

Failing in this, down he plunged fifty feet straight towards the bottom, making the reel hiss by his mad efforts to escape.

as Occurrences 2%

"What's going to happen when she hits the sea?" She hit the sea, and immediately a great cloud of steam arose, and the hissing as of a thousand serpents.

Which preposition to use with  hissing