Which preposition to use with moulds

of Occurrences 115%

Though a man be the Mould of fashion, yet he cannot light himself to bed by the Dip in his back.

in Occurrences 62%

The haberdasher presented a cap, saying, "Here is the cap your worship bespoke;" on which Petruchio began to storm afresh, saying, the cap was moulded in a porringer, and that it was no bigger than a cockle or a walnut shell, desiring the haberdasher to take it away and make a bigger.

into Occurrences 50%

Yet, perhaps the Indians and the Kamtschadales will be gradually moulded into a hardy, civilized people: and here may be the scene of many a fierce conflict between your people and the Russians, whose numbers, now four times as great as yours, increase almost as rapidly.

with Occurrences 32%

Sweeten the milk with lump sugar, add a little grated lemon-rind, and stir to this the eggs, which should be well whisked; line a buttered mould with the raisins, stoned and cut in half; spread the slices of cake with the marmalade, and place them in the mould; then pour in the custard, tie the pudding down with paper and a cloth, and boil gently for 1 hour: when cold, turn it out, and serve.

on Occurrences 25%

In 1815 the celebrated Corn Law was passed, which was itself moulded on the Corn Law of 1670.

to Occurrences 23%

Sir Timothy himself is moulded to some extent upon Sir Francis Ilford, but, as Geneste aptly remarks, he may be considered a new character.

for Occurrences 19%

It prepares the virgin mould for future cornfields and forests, on which the earth fattens.

from Occurrences 8%

In Malayan-Arabic tradition, Adam was moulded from a lump of clay mixed with water (cf.

as Occurrences 6%

In structure, however, the Peronospora is as much a mould as the common Penicillium; and just as the Penicillium multiplies by the breaking up of its hyphoe into separate rounded bodies, the spores; so, in the Peronospora, certain of the hyphoe grow out into the air through the interstices of the superficial cells of the potato plant, and develop spores.

at Occurrences 5%

Under the Dred Scott decision "squatter sovereignty" squatted out of existence, tumbled down like temporary scaffolding; like the mould at the foundry, served through one blast, and fell back into loose sand; helped to carry an election, and then was kicked to the winds.

like Occurrences 5%

O woman, whosoe'er thou art, thou hast The shape of my Alcestis; thou art cast In mould like hers....

over Occurrences 4%

He stands over the plate which contains the remains of his repast and scratches perfectly imaginary dust or mould over it.

beneath Occurrences 3%

On the arrival of the lady's answer he was seated at dinner, when his gardener came in, and presented him with his mother's wedding-ring, lost many years before, and which had just been found, buried in the mould beneath her window.

through Occurrences 3%

"Fertilization of Orchids" (1862), "The Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilization" (1876), and "The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms" (1881).

than Occurrences 3%

"Heart's emperor," the trembling girl replied, "I think that you were cast in some larger mould than we of France.

after Occurrences 3%

and I think we are "peculiar,"that Nature broke her jelly-mould after shaping our cerebral convolutions!

about Occurrences 2%

The pillars of it go up like the brawny trunks of heroes: the sweet human flesh of men and women is moulded about its bulwarks, strong, impregnable: the faces of little children laugh out from every corner-stone: the terrible spans and arches of it are the joined hands of comrades; and up in the heights and spaces there are inscribed the numberless musings of all the dreamers of the world.

above Occurrences 2%

'Tis well to put small faith in a simple rustic's eye, This story your father heard, and haughtily denied, The grass waves rankly now, and gives the fellow the lie, How many secrets the tall, deceitful grasses hide, Patting the turf that covers a maiden's innocent rest, And creeping and winding old haunted ruins among, As silently smooth's the mould above the murdered breast, Smothering down to deeper silence a buried wrong.

against Occurrences 2%

And as the country was mountainous, and the valleys narrow at the bottom, he enclosed them with piles sunk in the ground, and heaped up mould against them to keep in the water.

out Occurrences 2%

They say, best men are moulded out of faults, and for the most part become much the better for being a little bad.

under Occurrences 2%

"Awake!" cried a voice; and incontinently the dust of the path and the mould under the grass became insurgent.

for Occurrences 1%

[Illustration: THE TYPE MOULDS Moulds for 225 different characters are contained in this frame.

underneath Occurrences 1%

"The man whose old mould underneath us is hid Meant a great deal more good and less harm than he did.

until Occurrences 1%

Cut the remains of a good cold plum-pudding into finger-pieces, soak them in a little brandy, and lay them cross-barred in a mould until full.

up Occurrences 1%

In the mean time, boil the macaroni in salt and water, and drain it; butter a mould, put some of the macaroni at the bottom and sides of it, in whatever form is liked; mix the remainder with the forcemeat, fill the mould up to the top, put a plate or small dish on it, and steam for 1/2 hour.

Which preposition to use with  moulds