Which preposition to use with reed

of Occurrences 28%

For years, almost since it opened in 1908, Miss Reed of the Michaelis Free Kindergarten has taken her children to the country.

in Occurrences 27%

A cry That banished fear of Conn's great blows From out the Fian ranks arose, As, like a plumed reed in a gust, Goll suddenly stoopeda deadly thrust That drew the first blood in the fray He darting gave ...

on Occurrences 14%

As the boat rounded a point, a deer started out from among the reeds on the right, and went dashing and snorting across the river directly in front of the boat, and five or six rods ahead, the water being only about two feet in depth.

to Occurrences 12%

"He told of plains so great that it is a lifetime to travel over them, and of deserts where the eagle flying from the dawn dies of drought by midday, and of mountains so high that birds cannot cross them but are changed by cold into stone, and of rivers to which our little waters are as reeds to a forest cedar.

with Occurrences 10%

Part of the country was flooded, and they were wading all day, and forcing their way through reeds with sharp edges "with hands all raw and bloody."

into Occurrences 8%

Make a reed into a pipe and play a tune upon it!

for Occurrences 7%

They have large ships made out of gourds, six cubits long; when the fruit is dry, they hollow and work it into this shape, using reeds for masts, and making their sails out of the leaves of the plant.

by Occurrences 6%

The valley dreamed, and the fairy lute Of the whispering reed by the brook was mute.

from Occurrences 3%

A sword had cut the reeds from top to bottom.

over Occurrences 3%

This, Synder took as a threat, and retorted, "No, we'll settle it right here," and struck Reed over the head with the butt end of his whip, cutting an ugly scalp wound.

along Occurrences 3%

A broad and deep stream flowed from it to the south-east, varying from thirty to eighty yards in width, with a thick belt of reeds along the margin, beyond which the ground rose about fifty feet to the level surface of the basaltic plain.

at Occurrences 3%

All day they pursued their dreary march, picking their way through vast morasses, skirting the borders of blue woodland lakes where the gray stork flapped heavily up from the reeds at their approach, or plunging into dark belts of woodland where it is always twilight, and where the falling of the wild chestnuts and the chatter of the squirrels a hundred feet above their heads were the only sounds which broke the silence.

with Occurrences 2%

She caressed Ba-ree with her tongue, and even Kazan condescended to sniff approvingly of his son when he returned to the rabbit.

as Occurrences 2%

In 1840 Green Bay was left to be supplied, and Rev. Boyd Phelps was employed as the supply, and the charge was assigned to Platteville District, with Rev. H.W. Reed as Presiding Elder.

beside Occurrences 2%

Through straining reeds beside the river.

below Occurrences 2%

These strange tombs are mostly placed among the reeds, so that nothing can be more mournful than the sound of the wind as it shakes the reeds below the branch in which the corpse is lying.

before Occurrences 2%

" They entered to find poor Cousin Gustus bending like a reed before a perfect gale of "Ha-ha-ha's."

in Occurrences 1%

Portree has its name from King James the Fifth having landed there in his tour through the Western Isles, Ree in Erse being King, as Re is in Italian; so it is Port Royal.

beneath Occurrences 1%

The padres had come long before the hunting cry was raised, and they had labored earnestly; but their prayers and their preaching were like reeds beneath the tread of elephants, when gold came down from the mountains, and whisky came in through the Golden Gate.

for Occurrences 1%

A little farther west the Dog-Ribs would have called the pup Ba-ree for two reasonsbecause he had no brothers or sisters, and because he was a mixture of dog and wolf.

against Occurrences 1%

The city was left weaponless before his soldiery, and the dwellers within its walls were content to trust to the power of a written agreement, which in the hands of an unscrupulous man would be as effective as a reed against a whirlwind.

after Occurrences 1%

Tonight he sent Reed after Barker and he watched the Lawrence house.

above Occurrences 1%

The friendly shelter of the papyrus leaves beside the river-bank was his refuge; and as he plunged into the river the scattered volley of rifle shots tore the reeds above him.

than Occurrences 1%

So it is better to use a reed than a pole to strike down the fruit which cannot be reached by hand, for (as the proverb is) the heavier the blow, the more need there is for a surgeon.

through Occurrences 1%

Finally, many of them are content to pass points of iron or rods made of reed through folds in their skin.

Which preposition to use with  reed