34 Verbs to Use for the Word awkwardness

But, he had missed the afternoon's meeting the last Sabbath, a delinquency for which he felt an awkwardness in accounting, while he saw its necessity.

she inquired, as though to relieve the awkwardness.

" CHAPTER XVIII With a view to avoiding the awkwardness of a chance meeting with any member of the Nugent family Hardy took the sea road on his way to the office the morning after the captain's return.

As these had been accustomed to moving in the world, their disposition to accommodate soon removed the awkwardness of a first meeting, and our travellers began to be at home in their novel situation.

It was not till afterward that I understood his curious awkwardness on that occasion.

Huckstep cursed my awkwardness, and told Harry to put down his hoe and came to him.

He was a plain man, an ungainly man; unadorned, apparently uncultivated, showing the awkwardness of self-conscious rusticity.

I beg you to remember the awkwardness of my position, as a king's officer, in the midst of enemies.

Aunt Victoria detested the awkwardness of not mentioning difficult subjects as heartily as she did the mention of them; and as the tree toad evolves a skin to answer his needs, she had evolved a method all her own of turning her back squarely on both horns of a dilemma.

Their dismay would doubtless have been overwhelming had they been alone in that glory; even with numerous comrades in similar distress they displayed much awkwardness and self-consciousness.

She expected awkwardness, constraint; but Burke surprised her by his ease of manner.

" "No, no, you misunderstand," burst forth Mary; and then, forgetting all her awkwardness, she made her little statement over again, and this time succinctly and clearly.

Besides his ugliness, which is of the worst sortthat is to say, the shabbiesthe has a limp on one leg that gives a peculiarly one-sided awkwardness to his gait; but, independently of his great merit in being May's pet, he has other merits which serve to account for that phenomenonbeing, beyond all comparison the most faithful, attached, and affectionate animal that I have ever known; and that is saying much.

I could not help feeling keenly how much a marriage so unceremonious and with so little previous acquaintance, or rather so great a reserve and distance in our former intercourse, intensified the awkwardness many a man on Earth feels when first left alone with the partner of his future life.

Matthew, like Mrs. Frump, had fully appreciated the awkwardness of his situation, and had kept a rigid silence since the returned Californian resumed possession of his wife.

He lamented his awkwardness and unfitness for the talk; but still he thought he had done right.

He saw at once that if he were only to make the thread longer, which was the first mode that suggested itself, he would increase the constant danger there was of its getting fouled, not to mention the awkwardness of using such a quantity of it.

They knew and loved them all; they found ever-increasing enjoyment in the study of their shy ways and furtive occupations; they observed with delight the droll awkwardness of the moose calves, the impertinence and saucy speech of the jays, the humor of the black bear and the surly arrogance of the grizzly.

She assumed a sprightliness not quite natural, and evidently designed to obviate the awkwardness of their peculiar relation.

Overwhelming pity for the man overcame her awkwardness, and she spoke sharply over her shoulder.

Tom pretended an awkwardness which deceived the others, and convinced Zeigler, to use a common expression, he had a "cinch" in this little affair.

Then Timmy came running to welcome me" "I believe he must really have seen you!" cried Angela, grateful to Timmy, who was saving them both the first awkwardness of the situation.

The chief saw the awkwardness of his own position, measured the bony veteran and the athletic foreigner with his eye, and judged that if the two were convinced that they were dealing with madmen they would make a pretty good fight.

Mr. Malthus has shewn some awkwardness or even reluctance in softening down the harshness of his first peremptory decision.

She was, however, spared the awkwardness of a reply, by the unexpected and prompt interference of Maso.

34 Verbs to Use for the Word  awkwardness