41 Verbs to Use for the Word sequel

I heard the sequel afterwardthe young man refused the post as quite unworthy of him.

" It may surprise my audience to know the sequel.

These are communicated as forming a sequel to the correspondence which accompanied my message to both Houses of the 17th instant. TH.

This Story of Antiochus is so well known, that I need not add the Sequel of it, which has no Relation to my present Subject.

You can guess the sequel.

But what Heart can conceive, what Tongue utter the Sequel?

Had he foreseen the sequel, he would doubtless have greatly preferred Siberia, for his wife was a virago, and collaborated with his ill-health to guide him to the madhouse.

Barney, you ought to write a sequel to Aesop.

Moreover, it explained the sequel, those two bodies lying below, as far, that is, as logical reasoning can explain a madman's action with all its gaps and mysteriousness.

Late one night, sitting in my old place at his feet in the library, I told him this sequel to the romance of the letters.

She forgot the sequel, forgot what was bound to happen when I found none.

'Gather the sequel by that went before.'

[Y] So mightand with that prelude did begin The record; and, in faithful verse, was given The doleful sequel.

But if the audience is content to imagine the sequel, Mr. Sheldon's craftsmanship is justified, and there is no more to be said.

In the treatise which he intended as in some sort a sequel to this Dialogue on the 'Nature of the Gods'that upon 'Divination'he states the arguments for and against the national belief in omens, auguries, dreams, and such intimations of the Divine will.

Even I, with my memory of her looks as she faltered down the staircase on that memorable nightpale, staring, her left hand to her cheek and rocking from side to side in pain or terrorcould not but ask if this heart-rending story did not involve a still more terrible sequel.

Not only was this terrible rebellion which laid waste the fairest provinces a sequel to the first war with England, it was prolonged and aggravated by a second war which broke out in 1857.

His doom accepts, perforce content, And acquiesces in asserted laws; Secluded now would pass his life, And leave to time the sequel of the strife.

But mark the sequel: the instant he was gone, my very English curiosity hurried me out of the gate St. Gallo; 'twas the place and hour appointed.

I ought to mention also an amusing sequel to the story, viz.

In his sight, the poor picture was a more perfect work of art than any of Sir Joshua's baby-beauties, or Raphael's Madonnas, and the little story needed no better sequel than the young father's praises of his twins, the covert kiss he gave their mother when he turned as if to get a clearer light upon the face.

Contain your joy, observe the sequel.

I have only to add that I have prepared a sequel to the present work, in the shape of a Hand-Book of the Steam Engine, containing the whole of the rules given in the present work, illustrated by examples worked out at length, and also containing such useful tables and other data, as the engineer requires to refer to constantly in the course of his practice.

He likewise published on the same occasion a pamphlet, which he calls Liberty and Property, by E. Budgell, Esq; wherein he complains of the seizure and loss of many valuable papers, and particularly a collection of Letters from Mr. Addison, lord Hallifax, Sir Richard Steele, and other people, which he designed to publish; and soon after he printed a sequel or second part, under the same title.

Congress will decide on the expediency of promoting such a sequel by giving effect to the measure of confining the American navigation to American seamena measure which, at the same time that it might have that conciliatory tendency, would have the further advantage of increasing the independence of our navigation and the resources for our maritime defense.

41 Verbs to Use for the Word  sequel