35 adjectives to describe abominations

" "Therein you are mistaken, Templemore," answered Paul; "for this country, to say nothing of one sect which holds it in utter abomination, is filled with them.

It is said that the manifold abominations perpetrated in the District are no grievances to the petitioners, and therefore they have no right to ask for their removal.

Look at slavery and kukluxism with their meanness and crimes, mormonism with its vile abominations, lynch law with its burnings and hangings, our national policy in regard to the Indians and Chinese.

* "Behold the wicked abominations that they do!"Ezekial, viii, 2. "The righteous considereth the cause of the poor; but the wicked regardeth not to know it.

He conceived that their design, while it would destroy the Slave Trade, would also strike at the root of the shocking abomination of slavery also.

In the next chapter we read how Moses, and Phinehas, Aaron's grandson, put down those filthy abominations with a high hand; and how Balaam's detestable plot, instead of making peace, makes war; and in chapter xxxi.

Were it my own father, And the Emperor's service should demand it of me, It might be done perhapsBut we are soldiers, And to assassinate our Chief Commander That is a sin, a foul abomination, From which no monk or confessor absolves us.

Gradually the whole North and West were aroused, not merely to the moral evils of slavery, which were admitted without discussion, but to the intolerable abomination of holding a slave under any conditions, as against reason, against conscience, and against humanity.

Had it continued Spanish, it would probably be, like Cuba, a slave-holding and slave-trading island, now wealthy, luxurious, profligate; and Port of Spain would be such another wen upon the face of God's earth as that magnificent abomination, the city of Havanna.

He noted before him on the table a jar of that abject stuff called carelessly either "French" or "German" mustard, stale and crusted, and remembered that once at a dinner he had declared that the best test of a gentleman, of one who knew how to live, was to learn whether he used pure, wholesome English mustard or one of these mixed abominations.

Dr. Kitto, however, says that there does not appear to be any reason in the law of Moses why the hog should be held in such peculiar abomination.

The committee of the S.P.E. would be glad to meet the public taste by expert treatment of offending words if members would supply their pet abominations.

There in the seat where I was wont to pursue my even tenor as an orchid slumbered Martin Dyke, amateur desecrator of other men's houses, challenger of the wayward fates, fanatic of a will-o'-the-wisp pursuit, desperate adventurer in the uncharted realms of love; and in his face, turned toward the polychromatic abominations of the house, so soon to be deserted, was all the pathos and all the beauty of illusion-haunted youth.

prescribed abominations not to be named.

It was part of the radical abomination to which England was being subjected.

Where there were many small children in a party, however, I noticed that the beverage obtained from the jar was milk,real Orange County cow-produce, let us hope, and none of that sickly town-abomination, the vending of which ought to be made by our legislators a felony, at least.

But in this place I found it impossible to stay; there was no free circulation of air throughout the room, and it had all the benefit of the smell from the stable and other abominations.

Even in Corumba, the hottest place I have ever been in, the native does not think he is dressed unless he wears one of these stiff abominations around his throat.

Inside the gate lay various rubbisha woman's boot, a broken coal scuttle, the foot of a tin candlestick, fragments of paper, sticks, bones, strawunmentionable abominations; and over the dismal scene a reeking, smoke-laden fog spread darkness and moisture.

The scene represented was but that upon an island in the Bering Sea, and there was in the aspect of it something more than the traditional abomination of desolation, for there was a touch of bloodthirsty and hungry life.

"I am the victim, sir, of editorial iniquity, and typographical abomination!" "Anan?" said Verty.

He did not exalt the virtues of a Providence which has invented that useless, incomprehensible, unjust and senseless abomination, physical suffering.

This may either be a choice delicacy or an unmitigated abomination.

But, alas, besides them there had been a Beaumont, a Fletcher, and a Massinger, with their unutterable abominations.

The commercial "cooking-egg" is an unwholesome abomination.

35 adjectives to describe  abominations