19 adjectives to describe advertising

Retail advertising helps.

Effective advertising.

SEE Wodehouse, P. G. AYER-RHODES, INC. Animated advertising.

Timely advertising helps for merchants: Market boy series, head-liners series, drug facts series.

Patriotic advertising helps: Caption interest and koal kids series Vol.

ABBOTT & WALKER, INC. Promotional advertising.

Well, it's a scheme I've thought of for a little really artistic and humorous advertising combined.

Practical advertising: a comprehensive guide to the planning and preparation of modern advertising in all its phases, by Harry P. Bridge.

About all the usual means of harmless and necessary advertising he did not seem to know Beans!

Even religion has now surrendered to the same obsession of magnitude and efficiency, and nothing goes (or tries to, it doesn't always succeed) unless it is conceived in gigantic "nation-wide" terms and is "put across" by efficiency experts, highly paid organizers, elaborate "teams" of propagandists and solicitors, and plenty of impressive advertising.

But surely this is just the sort of case that could be met by a little judicious advertising.

*** A theatrical paper advertises for a "Male impersonator" for pantomime.

On this, as upon every occasion of the publication of the Sun, we shall leave out columns upon columns of profitable advertising, in order that no reader of the Sun shall be stinted in his criminal news.

Well, it's a scheme I've thought of for a little really artistic and humorous advertising combined.

They both gain and lose by being without a leisured class; it narrows their horizon, but saves them from a vast deal of hysterical nonsense, social mischief and blatant self-advertising.

The news was not particularly interesting, however, and finally, obsessed with the feeling that it would soon be time for him to seriously contemplate the procuring of suitable employment, the young man turned the sheet about rather idly, and ran his eyes down the columns devoted to classified advertising.

Not a single response came from all the extensive advertising which Larry still kept up in vain hope of success.

As a crowning stamp upon his dignity he had a clerk who handled the ordinary routine of work in the front room, while Hardy set himself up in state in a little rear office whose walls were decorated by two brilliant calendars and the coloured photograph of a blond beauty advertising a toilet soap.

Section 3 makes it unlawful for anybody to induce or persuade workmen to change from one place to another (except presumably the labor unions themselves), or to bring workmen into the State by means of any false or deceptive representations, false advertising or false pretences, or by reason of the existence of a strike or other "trouble."

19 adjectives to describe  advertising