31 adjectives to describe aeroplane

Felix considered this an event in the tame routine of farm life; and would be only too glad to stay up all night, if necessary, in order to guard the precious aeroplane.

This breeze will have worn itself out by then, perhaps, and if we feel like it we can take a little trip somewhere in the 'Bug,' as you like to call our dandy little aeroplane.

But Frank fully expected to see the rival aeroplane begin to drop as they drew near the border of the fresh water sea.

"Another hostile aeroplane was brought down by us, and one of our aviators succeeded in dropping several bombs over the German line, one incendiary bomb falling with considerable effect on a transport park near LaFère.

The boys had opened the shed and made sure that no lingering spark remained to threaten their beloved little aeroplane with destruction.

But Mortlake himself did not take up the silvery aeroplane on this occasion.

A salvo of loud cheers rang out when they started, and this burst into a furious chorus as the well balanced aeroplane presently left the ground to start upward into the air.

" "Yes, I recollect his fake aeroplane that scared the life out of you," grinned Roy.

CHAPTER X THE FIGHT ON THE WATER Below, the fallen aeroplane rested upon the surface of the sea.

At that moment one of the forward aeroplanes, which was drifting back over the enemy lines, lost its singular grace of slow, sweeping movement.

With the coming of early dawn he knew that the safety of the imperiled aeroplane was assured, and that when the horn blew, he and Felix could both go in to breakfast.

By day, this road (and all the countryside) is a wilderness: nothing more innocent ever presented itself to the eye of an inquisitive aeroplane.

Many of the ducks, especially the larger ones, circled high in the air like miniature aeroplanes, almost beyond human vision.

"Well, of all things, don't this just take the cake?" remarked Andy, when he and his cousin once more found themselves alone beside the motionless aeroplane, that nestled like a great bird on the grass close to the road.

Luckily the center of interest remained around the odd looking aeroplane with the metal pontoons underneath its body, so that Frank was allowed to walk away almost unnoticed, when he had secured the important information he inquired for, and which was leading him to the drug store nearest the town green.

I craned my neck to look into the spring blue above us, and there7,000 to 8,000 feet high, according to the officerswere three Boche aeroplanes pursued by two French machines.

He gazed at the oncoming aeroplanes.

They will also be likely to recollect his son, Fanning, who made so much trouble for Peggy Prescott and her brother, culminating in a daring attempt to "bluff" them out of entering a competition for a big aerial prize by constructing a phantom aeroplane.

But its scream, instead of passing in a long parabola toward the German lines, goes up in the heavens toward something as large as your hand against the light blue of the summer skya German aeroplane.

" "But what if, as you fear, the Prescotts have a superior aeroplane?" "My dear Mortlake," the pin-point eyes almost closed, and the thin, bloodless lips drew together in a tight line, "if they have a superior machine, we must arrange so that nobody but ourselves is ever aware of the fact.

Three tiny aeroplanes wove invisible threads against the blue woof of the sky above the New Jersey shore.

The general in command was directing not one but many battles, each with a general of its own; manoeuvring troops across streams and open places, seeking the cover of forests, with the aeroplanes unable to learn how many of the enemy were hidden in the forests on his front, while he tried to keep his men out of angles and make his movements correspond with those of the divisions on his right and left.

But I am not quite sure that in real life even Ben, when as second whip to the East Cara hounds she lost her horse, would have found an aeroplane useful to catch up with.

One of the crew was endeavoring to force an entrance into the locked lazerette, doubtless with the intention of destroying the valuable aeroplane.

You've tried to do all in your power to injure these young people, whose only fault is that they have built a better aeroplane than you have.

31 adjectives to describe  aeroplane