43 adjectives to describe agin

"Henery Walker shook his 'ead agin. ''

'His food ain't been agreeing with 'im lately and he's starving hisself for a bit to get round agin, and 'e knew that 'e couldn't trust hisself alongside o' this biskit.

We know that Gaspar had a grudge agin' Quade, and that he bought a gun big enough to kill a man.

He 'ad been talking of getting married agin for over ten years, and, thinking it was only talk, I didn't give 'im any good advice.

" "Boys," I said, turning to the darkies, "what's the matter?" "Oh, boss, massa Linkum's dead, de Dimikrat am Presidunt, und we poo' niggers be slabes agin.

I'll bet my hoss agin a chaw of terbacker that them boys hain't heerd a shot we've fired, an' dunno we're within five miles on 'em.

And in the middle of a six-acre rose garden stood a handsome statute of one of my own sect, Flora by name, jest lookin' down as if she owned the hull on't, and wuz proud and happy to be there, as well she mightshe'll never git into such a delightful spot agin, I don't believe.

William leant over and bent his finger double agin my chest.

"Feelin' fit agin, eh, damn your soul?"

" Another reason of your unsuccess is that Lager is a hard chap to fite agin.

There ain't nothin' better than a colored cook; but jus' let me tell you, Miss Miriam, my sister's mighty particular 'bout goin' to places an' takin' her family, an' furniture, an' settin' herself up to live when she don't know whether things is fixed an' settled there, or whether the fust thing she knows is she's got to pull up stakes an' git out agin.

You're hidin' agin.

"There's no mud on 'is clothes," ses the policeman, looking me over with his lantern agin.

As liable agin for their pure eyes must be dimmed with tears, tears for the eighty thousand victims turned out yearly from these resorts.

If it hadn't ha' been for her little 'ead leaning agin my shoulder I should have 'ad the creeps.

You'll git loose agin after a while.

I begin to cry an tell de folks I ain't gonna see my mammy agin.

"I iz found my own sure enough massa agin, an' I'm goin' back to work for him all de time.

" Mr. Goodman cheered up a bit at that, but he got miserable agin the next night because 'is money was getting low and he wanted another week in London.

"I couldn't speak for a time, and when I could 'e stopped me with the mop agin.

When the dog got sick o' sitting in a pub 'e made such a noise they 'ad to take 'im out; and when 'e got tired o' walking about he sat down on the pavement and they 'ad to drag 'im along to the nearest pub agin.

" He walked back into the bar whistling, and George Dixon, arter sitting still for a long time thinking, got up and went into the bar, and he'd 'ardly got his foot inside afore Charlie caught 'old of 'im by the shoulder and shoved 'im back into the parlour agin.

If he had styled it Eriocaulon septangulare, would it have shown a closer knowledge of its habits than did his careful avoidance of its vicinity, his keeping line and flies at a safe distance, as he muttered to himself, "Them pesky butt'ns agin!"

both it an' vaccination ez the two ordeels to be gone thoo with some time, an' we'd speculate ez to whether vaccination would take or not, an' all sech ez that, an' then, ez I said, after he see what the vaccination was, why he was even mo' prejudyced agin' baptism 'n ever, an' we 'lowed to let it run on tell sech a time ez he'd decide what name he'd want to take an' what denomination he'd want to bestow it on him.

When I laid down, the old bull made a pass under the log, as if he expected me down there, and charged back again, as if he was disappointed in not runnin' agin me.

43 adjectives to describe  agin