16 adjectives to describe aloofness

CHAPTER XII "ROSES IN THE MOONLIGHT" The Maestro's house wore always a mantle of gentle aloofness, like something forgotten among its over-grown garden paths.

How I grieved over his stern aloofness!

Why this haughty aloofness?

For a single moment he fancied that there was a change in that curious personal aloofness which seemed so distinctive of her.

He spent whole days by the young woman's side, endeavouring by his presence to atone for the hostile aloofness of her father.

With his quiet ways, tactful temper and air of kindly aloofness, he was popular with the more sensible boys, while the others left him in peace, as he did them.

It never occurred to Dade that he himself had fostered the constraint by his moody aloofness when he was fighting the first jealous resentment he had ever felt against the other in the years of their constant companionship.

Yet minute consideration discovers, I think, in these two sets of legends a more profound, if subtler, difference, in the handling of the protagonist: with Jurgen all of the physical and mental man is rendered as a matter of course; whereas in dealing with Manuel there is, always, I believe, a certain perceptible and strange, if not inexplicable, aloofness.

The human flux beat against him, dissolved, ebbed away, another spear-crested wave swept up behind it and dissolved in turn; and he sat on, hour after hour, under the white-hot sky, unconscious of the heat, the dust, the tumult, embodying to the wild factious precipitate hordes a long tradition of serene aloofness.

It is as though this particular "Queen" withdrew from the great highway traveled by the vulgar herdin the proud aloofness of her superior clay, sufficient unto herself.

Earthly brides spend a vast deal of time and thought over their trousseau, so I think Christ's bride should walk among men with a sweet aloofness while the spiritual garments are being fashioned in which she is to dwell with him.

With every child sent to school by order of the state, the teacher had to forego his traditional aloofness, and to adjust his methods of teaching so that every member of the enlarged school community could come into a knowledge of the civilization in which he lived.

To the last fine detail and exquisite touch was she, more here than elsewhere, softly, prettily, daintily feminine, her light heart idly set on wooing from its calm and abstracted aloofness this region of granite and lava, of rugged chasms and august ancient trees.

I share their triumphant aloofness from the play that fills our stage and see its place in the scheme of the unending drama of men.

To keep a secret from us is to reduce us to their level, and deprive us of our clairvoyant aloofness.

In her diary she entered the profound thoughts suggested to her active intelligence by her observation of events in themselves insignificant, and analysed with cool aloofness the working of her mind.

16 adjectives to describe  aloofness