37 adjectives to describe alternation

In this respect, purely intellectual occupation, for the mind that is capable of it, will, as a rule, do much more in the way of happiness than any form of practical life, with its constant alternations of success and failure, and all the shocks and torments it produces.

CHAPTER III THE SHANDUR PASS Shortly after leaving Pingal, the character of the country changed considerably, and instead of a continual alternation of cliff and river bed, the valley became more open and level; we were, in fact, nearing the upper end of the valley.

In converse with indifferent persons he displayed a curious alternation of frankness and hauteur, and indulged a habit of letting people up and down, by which he frequently gave offence.

The impression made upon him by the lightning was not the ordinary one of brightness, (as in blitz, (?) éclair, fulmen, flash,) but of the rapid alternations of light and dark.

The ground was dry again, while the breeze was cool and sweet, smelling of wet foliage and bringing sunshine and shade in frequent and very pleasing alternation.

" As they came in sight of Rosedale, Davis stood up in the carriage to get a better view of the landscape, which showed swift alternations of dense thickets and wood and rolling acres of rich crops.

His life was a continuous alternation of small doses of work and large doses of rest.

Q.Is the method of admitting a stream of air into the flues to burn the smoke regarded favorably? A.No; it is found to be productive of injury to the boiler by the violent alternations of temperature

The cause of both these diseases, and especially of the epilepsie from the stomach, is the grossness of the vapours, which rise and enter into the cells of the brain, and therefore the working is by extreme and subtle alternation which that simple hath."

When the Powers on high decree For a feeble child of earth Dire perplexity and woe, And his spirit doom to pass With tumult wild from joy to grief, And back again from grief to joy, In fearful alternation; They in mercy then provide, In the precincts of his home, Or upon the distant shore, That to him may never fail Ready help in hours of need, A tranquil, faithful friend.

My ancestral fame is written, That he brought me here, the weight Of his great crown to bear with him, And that Rome upon my entry Gave to me a recognition That repaid the debt it owed me, Since the victories were admitted Which in glorious alternation By my sword and pen were given her?

An affair of love, which fills the young breast with incessant alternations of hope and fear, and steals away the night and day from every other pleasure or employment, is regarded by them whose passions time has extinguished, as an amusement, which can properly raise neither joy nor sorrow, and, though it may be suffered to fill the vacuity of an idle moment, should always give way to prudence or interest.

The main thread of "Maud" seems to be this:A love once accepted, then disappointed, leads to blood-shedding, and onward to madness with lucid alternations.

Toward the horizon the luxury of color added itself to the magnificent alternation of light and shade.

In the course of ministerial alternations, frequently unfortunate for the work in hand, it had nevertheless been continued by his successors.

Address Zaleski, at R Abbey, in the county of M.' I gazed in mute alternation at the advertisement and at him.

During such seasons as these, her treatment of her friends and acquaintances had odd alternations of frank friendliness and reticent coolness.

'The days and nights of the fortnight which followed were a painful alternation of severe suffering and rare intervals of comparative tranquillity.

If this periodical alternation of written and oral discussion is useful in the War Office, it would probably be useful in other offices; but no one with sufficient authority to require an answer has ever asked if it is so.

Monotonous as the flat-woods were, however, and malarious as they looked,arid wastes and stretches of stagnant water flying past the car window in perpetual alternation, I was impatient to get into them.

Mansions and parks of the gentry, hill, valley, wheat-fields, meadows of the most vivid green; crops luxuriant in most picturesque alternations; in a word, the whole a vista of the richest agricultural scenery.

The history of his religious alternations is in exact keeping with all this.

The sky was stormy, which added to the gloom of the hills around, though some of the distant ranges lay in mingled light and shadethe softest alternation of purple and brown.

Of this we have the evidence in many cases, and, perhaps, most conclusive where the partial harmony is felt to verge on a powerful discord; or where the effort to unite them produces that singular alternation of what is both revolting and pleasing: as in the startling union of evil passions with some noble quality, or with a master intellect.

You see the poppies nodding fatefully on her bonnet, and the dust-white spring-sided boots beneath her skimpy skirts, pointing with an irrevocable slow alternation east and west.

37 adjectives to describe  alternation