117 adjectives to describe amazements

Upon looking around, to his utter amazement, he found himself sitting on the ground, with both legs and arms locked fast around the, tree!

" "God bless me!" gasped my uncle in blank amazement.

Her late companions stood looking back in sheer amazement, for the town end of the trail was black with figures.

In an incredibly short time, above a hundred people had gathered before the inn, cheering and hallooing with all their might, while we looked at them in dumb amazement.

Barney stared in speechless amazement at the unseemly gambols of the motley mass.

Judge of my incredulous amazement when, in an access of this illumination, I saw plainly a schooner hardly a mile off shore, coming in under bare poles.

" Old MORTARITY stared at the hair and beard, thus introduced to him, with undisguised amazement, and grimly remarked, that if the gentleman would come to see him any evening, and bring a social bottle with him, he would not allow the gentleman's head to stand in the way of a further acquaintance.

"Joe Blunt!" exclaimed Dick in a voice of intense amazement, while Crusoe snuffed round the heap of leaves and whined with excitement.

But I must warn you, Mr. Hornblower, that I believe two men have already been killed trying to open that drawer," and I told him, while he sat there staring in profound amazement, of my theory in regard to the death of Philip Vantine and of the unknown Frenchman.

I exclaimed in extreme amazement.

Every one stared at his neighbour in mute amazement, and only Fred Acton remained in sufficient possession of his faculties to gasp out, "What?"

To my infinite amazement, Rogers shook his head.

She looked at the girl in frank amazement.

" At this moment Tom Davenport opened the door of the apartment, and stared in open-eyed amazement at his father's singular visitor.

" Ted had listened spellbound to this poetic speech and gazed at Kalitan in open-mouthed amazement.

Hearing the voices of Joe and Dick Varley in conversation, though unable to see their persons, he was filled with such unbounded amazement that his eyes, when uncovered, were found to be at their largest possible stretch, and as for the eyebrows they were gone, utterly lost among the roots of his voluminous hair.

No words of mine can express my absolute and abject amazement when I faced the man, whom I had seen lying cold and dead upon that gray stone slab in the mortuary at Dumfries.

Before me stood my love, a slim, tragic, rather wan figure in a heavy dark traveling-coat and felt toque, her sweet lips parted and a look of bewildered amazement upon her countenance as I burst in so suddenly upon her.

The proceedings of the Americans, who cut holes in the roofs and played through them upon the fires within, were watched by the Turks with stupid amazement.

he said, "did you know that Robert Burnham died last night?" The old man started from his chair in sudden amazement. "Died!"

There was nothing very noticeable on the way, but the vast amazement expressed by all who found that we were going up to London.

It is certainly not the canonists who will detect the kernel; "verily we are God's and verily to Him do we return," they cry in helpless amazement, and their consolation is in the old prayer: "And lay not on us, O our Lord, that for which we have no strength, but blot out our sins and forgive us and have mercy upon us.

In a frenzy now, they dug, and when there seemed to be nothing more hidden under the accumulation of dirt and leaves, the two stared at each other in delighted amazement.

"L!" cried the doctor, in evident amazement.

In genuine amazement, and hurt)

117 adjectives to describe  amazements