61 adjectives to describe apostle

Thus we may observe that God's prophets of old, St. John the Baptist, our Lord Himself, the holy apostles did in terms most vehement and biting reprove the age in which they lived, and some particular persons in them.

St. Paul likewise calleth the schismatical heretical teachers "dogs, false apostles, evil and deceitful workers, men of corrupt minds, reprobates and abominable."

He lived according to the rules of the convent he governed with the same wisdom that he governed a city, and he died in the faith of the primitive apostles.

Of the piety and expression of the French hymns, Foinard, an ardent apostle of the French liturgical novelties, wrote: "Il ne parait pas que ce soit l'onction qui domine dans les nouveaux Breviaries; on y a la verite, travaille beaucoup pour l'esprit; mais il semole qu' on n'y a pas travaille autant pour le coeur."

No wonder that the cause of magnetism, under such a zealous apostle, rapidly gained ground, and obtained every day large additions to the number of its converts.

What sad and dreadful things might not St. John, the beloved apostle as he was, have said, if he had chosen, about what he saw and what he felt, as he stood by that cross on Calvarywords which would have stirred to pity the most cruel, and drawn tears from a heart of stone?

They would in their turn I believe give an important impetus to our scheme and might constitute themselves its fervent apostles helping it to sweep from end to end of India in less time than it is possible for us to conceive.

" Do not cry out, saintly souls, virtuous prelates, gentle apostles, frank and rosy curates, but let him among you who is without any of his sins, rise up and cast the first stone at the Curé of Althausen.

I remember the Deputies on mission at Perpignan writing to the Club at Paris for a reinforcement of civic apostles, "pour evangeliser les habitans et les mettre dans la voie de salut"("to convert the inhabitants, and put them in the road to salvation").

The heavenly Apostles appear acting these great Things, with a deep Sense of the Infirmities which they relieve, but no Value of themselves who administer to their Weakness.

Amen!" Before he had sat down again I was in the alley on my way to another car, not anxious to become known as the intimate of this extraordinary apostle.

It meant anything but equality, fraternity, or liberty, especially liberty, when it was translated into action by the fanatical apostles of Reason, who were blind to the facts of human nature and defied the facts of econnomics.

How, in this very text, when it seemed good to him to show his glory, he takes only three favourite apostles, and commands them to tell no man till he be risen again.

He is not to neutralize their opposition, but he is to convert them into fiery apostles and publishers of the same wisdom.

" "An incorporeal Glendoveer is no judge of the feelings of a flayed apostle," thought Ananda.

Despite their creed, Lucretius and Vergil are indeed Rome's foremost apostles of Righteousness; and if anyone had pressed home the charge of possible moral weakness in their system they might well have pointed to the exemplary life of Epicurus and many of his followers.

Beside it was planted the pennon of the glorious apostle St. James, and a great shout of "Santiago!

Her attitude, with outspread armsher face, not indeed a young or lovely face, but something far better, sublime and powerful in the expression of rapturethe divinely beautiful and childish, yet devout, unearthly little angels around herthe grand apostles belowand the splendour of colour over allrender this picture an enchantment at once to the senses and the imagination; to me the effect was like music.

The gymnastic apostle rises to eloquence in proportion to the height of the handswings, and points his climax to match the peak-ladders.

At length Tancred with his troop found himself before Tarsus, the birthplace and the home of that single-hearted apostle who long ago had preached a gospel strangely unlike the creed of the crusaders.

Her attitude, with outspread armsher face, not indeed a young or lovely face, but something far better, sublime and powerful in the expression of rapturethe divinely beautiful and childish, yet devout, unearthly little angels around herthe grand apostles belowand the splendour of colour over allrender this picture an enchantment at once to the senses and the imagination; to me the effect was like music.

After their departurethey were probably driven away by Norwegian pagansthese Icelandic apostles "left behind them Irish books, bells, and croziers, wherefrom one could understand they were Irishmen.

It is clear, the professor maintains, that the reference is to pagan rhetors from Gaul whose arrogant presumption, founded on their learning, made them regard with disdain the comparatively illiterate apostle of the Scots.

St. Fursey, the illustrious apostle of East Anglia, crossed over to France, where he travelled and preached continuously.

By a contradiction, at which he himself often laughed, this impassioned apostle of fruitfulness had remained a bachelor.

61 adjectives to describe  apostle