193 adjectives to describe apparatuses

THE VEGETATIVE APPARATUS The combination of the internal secretions and the vegetative system has been spoken of as the vegetative or autonomic apparatus.

That the British were approaching must have been known by the German admiral, for their wireless apparatus had been working unceasingly, telling of their approach, and these signals must have been caught by the German warships, though, because sent in code, they were undecipherable.

NM: introd., editorial apparatus, bibliography & notes.

Again, the males of most Rotifers have no digestive apparatus; as a German naturalist has remarked, they devote themselves entirely to the "Minnedienst," and are to be reckoned among the few realisations of the Byronic ideal of a lover.

Once, Mr. Fullaway being out, and I having nothing to do, I was cleaning up some photographic apparatus which I had there.

" Adonaïs coughed in his cravat, and hinted,"How would it do to call him 'Barnum Dalton'?" Adonaïs appeared shocked at himself, and swallowed a minim of wine to cleanse his vocal apparatus from the stain of so coarse an illustration.

Alcohol inflames the mucous membrane of the throat, then by its nearness the lining of the Eustachian tube, and finally may injure the delicate apparatus of the internal ear.

Kansas and New Hampshire legislated on factory safeguards, Texas on fire escapes, New Jersey on scaffolds, Montana on electrical apparatus, Delaware on sanitary equipment, and West Virginia on mines.

In explanation of the slow progress of his experimental work, Professor Morse, in writing to a friend, said: "Up to the autumn of 1837 my telegraphic apparatus existed in so rude a form that I felt reluctance to have it seen.

and I was just in the way of going for something to eat, when I caught sight of another dray laden with boxes and crated affairs which I recognised as scientific apparatus.

"But with care, and with proper management of our electric apparatus, I accomplished this year a change almost as great.

A valuable edition of the text accompanied by translation and critical apparatus, was published by W. Rhys Roberts, Cambridge University Press.

"I'll help you," said Mollie, and the two set up the little heating apparatus in the lee of a big rock.

And although the major portion of my time was spent in hard and monotonous work with my experimental apparatus, I found time each day to get into intimate touch with the free activities of my subjects and to observe their social relations and varied expressions of individuality.

When suitable apparatus is obtainable, a constant stream over each foot from a rubber hosepipe is most beneficial.

If the entire optical apparatus of the eye were rigid and immovable, one of three things would be necessary, in order to obtain a clear image of an object; for only parallel rays (that is, rays coming from objects distant about thirty feet or more), are brought to a focus in the average normal eye, unless some change is brought about in the refractive media.

In the Appendix to the narrative of that voyage, there will be found an account of a very ingenious apparatus called "clams"a sort of double scoopof his own contrivance, which Sir John Ross had made by the ship's armourer; and by which, being in Baffin's Bay, in 72° 30' N. and 77° 15' W., he succeeded in bringing up from 1,050 fathoms (or 6,300 feet), "several pounds" of a "fine green mud," which formed the bottom of the sea in this region.

What interests the philosopher is the particular premises on which the free-will he believes in is established, the sense in which it is taken, the objections it eludes, the difficulties it takes account of, in short the whole form and temper and manner and technical apparatus that goes with the belief in question.

The external ear forms only a part of a most elaborate apparatus whereby sound waves may be transmitted inwards to the real organ of hearing.

Costly apparatus has been installed for turning both the fire and the vapor to practical use; and they are very well suited for employment in the conduct of daily life and also for effecting cures.

The immensity of socialism and the immensity of the war simply crushed Zola with all his mental apparatus.

These experiments, made with very crude apparatus and under great difficulties, gave the following table of results for the velocity of light in miles per second: 186730 188820 186330 185330 187900 184500 186770 185000 185800 187940 Mean 186500 ± 300 miles per second, or 300140 kilometers per second.

Physical, chemical, and biological apparatus; 1937 catalog S. © 15May37; AA236403.

© on pref., index, educational apparatus; 30Jan31; A33473.

The grounds contained no flowers and but few trees; the latter ruined in point of form and natural grace to render them convenient supports for gymnastic apparatus.

193 adjectives to describe  apparatuses