11 adjectives to describe appendix

SEE McCormack, Joseph Patrick. MCCORMICK, CHARLES T. Texas law of evidence, civil and criminal, with statutory appendix.

Fleming H. Revell Co. (PWH); 14Jun63; R317187. NEW UNIVERSAL SELF PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY, with an encyclopedic appendix.

Edited with introd., notes, grammatical appendix and prose composition, by Walter B. Gunnison and Walter S. Harley.

© on revision & additional appendices; 12Sep29; A12435.

Dr. Priestley, who in the preface to his third edition acknowledges his obligations to Johnson, and also to Lowth, thought it premature to attempt an English grammar; and contented himself with publishing a few brief "Rudiments," with a loose appendix consisting of "Notes and Observations, for the use of those who have made some proficiency in the language."

This immense continent being peopled with elements of European civilization, could not remain a mere appendix to Europe.

Improbum et stultum, si divitem multos bonos viros in servitutem habentem, ob id duntaxat quod ei contingat aureorum numismatum cumulus, ut appendices, et additamenta numismatum.

And now M. Lucien Foulet has brought together all the extant letters concerning the period, which he has collated with scrupulous exactitude and to which he has added a series of valuable appendices upon various obscure and disputed points.

One brief appendix to the campaign, and her short career of heroism fades into the light of common day.

In this point of view the appendix annexed to the lectures is also valuable; and the four copious appendixes or dissertations following the edition of Reid's works, are more valuable still.

In a later appendix to the prophecy of Malachi this theme is still further developed.

11 adjectives to describe  appendix