119 adjectives to describe apple

Apparently on the verge of losing the series after the Saturday game in Boston the Giants had gamely fought their way to a tie with Boston, and it was one of the pluckiest and gamest fights ever seen in a similar series, and just as the golden apple seemed about to drop into the hands of the New York players they missed it because Dame Fortune rudely jostled them aside.

Sweet apples are the most nutritious; but perhaps those which are gently acid, and at the same time mealy, are rather more cooling, and when eaten raw, and in the heat of summer, not less wholesome.

Melt 1 oz. butter in stewpan, and into that put a tablespoonful finely shred or grated onion, a few slices of tart apple or a little rhubarb, and, if possible, some tomatoesfresh ones peeled and sliced are best, but the tinned ones will do very well.

Chop 1/2 pound of cold roast veal with 1/4 pound of smoked salmon, 3 sour pickles, 2 sour apples, 1 large onion, some beans and capers and 3 hard-boiled eggs chopped fine.

Why don't I send her over a baked apple?

INGREDIENTS.6 good-sized apples, sifted sugar to taste, a piece of butter the size of a walnut, water.

How I loved to hear the birds sing, to listen to the fall of ripe autumnal apples!

" "Good gracious," cried out Lux, with one of the juicy apples between his teeth, "I know these.

But I'll get killedas sure as God made little apples I'll get killedand

And the idea of worthlessness is often referred to as when it is said that "There is small choice in rotten apples," with which may be compared another which warns us of the contagious effects of bad influence: "The rotten apple injures its neighbour.

The experiments of Dr. Beaumont, so far as they prove any general principle, show conclusively that mellow sweet apples are more quickly digested than any kind of vegetable food whatever, except rice and sago.

Line a well-buttered pudding-dish with a rich pie-paste and cover with a layer of sliced apples.

Dipping over banks in the inlets of the creeks, the fortunate find the rosy apples of the miniature manzanita, barely, but always quite sufficiently, borne above the spongy sod.

{311e} Its neighbour, with large leaves, gray and rough underneath, flowers as big as your two hands, with greenish petals and a purple eye, followed by fat scaly yellow apples, is the Sweet- sop; {311f} and that privet-like bush with little flowers and green berries a Guava, {311g} of which you may eat if you will, as you may of the rest.

This mode admits of the display of much taste in the arrangement of the fruit: for instance, a pine in the centre of the dish, surrounded with large plums of various sorts and colours, mixed with pears, rosy-cheeked apples, all arranged with a due regard to colour, have a very good effect.

Lamb's-Wool Ale is hot ale mixed with the pulp of roasted apples, sugared and well spiced.

Cut off the head, skin and bone; chop the herring; add chopped apples, pickles, potatoes, olives and capers.

OATMEAL FRUIT MUSH.Prepare the oatmeal as directed above, and stir in lightly, when dishing for the table, some sliced mellow and juicy raw sweet apples.

But O ye Loves, Whose cheeks are like pink apples, quit your homes By Hyetis, or Byblis' pleasant rill, Or fair Dionè's rocky pedestal, And strike that fair one with your arrows, strike The ill-starred damsel who disdains my friend.

Have two thirds of a box of gelatine soaked in just enough water to cover; pour over it a cup and a half of boiling water; when well dissolved, strain and add a pint of the sifted apples sweetened to taste, and one half cup of grated fresh or canned pineapple, or if preferred, one half cup of the juice of canned pineapple.

Fold in the stiffly-beaten whites of two eggs and bake in a greased baking-dish. MATZOTH CHARLOTTE, No. 2 Four eggs (yolks), one cup of sugar, pinch of salt, three matzoth (soaked in water and squeezed out), one grated apple, one lemon rind and juice, one-fourth cup of almonds, and one-fourth cup of raisins.

In the shortest time the huge basket was emptied of its delicious apples and the whole band had dispersed after many exclamations of thanks.

The leanness of his features, and his crooked neck with the prominent Adam's apple which stirred when he spoke, suggested a Yankee ancestry, but the faded blue eyes, pathetically misted, could only be found in the mountain-desert.

"Well, no, I haven't any just now that are exactly sour," he would answer; "but there's the bellflower apple, and folks that like a sour apple generally like that.

Their celebrated pine-apples are neither very fragrant nor remarkably sweet; I certainly have eaten much finer flavoured ones that had been grown in a European hot-house.

119 adjectives to describe  apple