11 adjectives to describe ark

The sacred ark was for a time in the hands of enemies, and Shiloh, the religious capital,abode of the tabernacle and the ark,had been burned.

Amidst the waters, in that little ark Was launched the future monarch.

"Upon this chaos rid the distressed ark.

It was perceived, at early daylight, that the inner ark, which was Mr. Thomas's, and which was loaded with valuable machinery, was partly sunk, being pressed against the bank by the other arks, and the water was found to be flowing in above the caulked seams.

Already, he was dreaming of a refined solitude, a comfortable desert, a motionless ark in which to seek refuge from the unending deluge of human stupidity.

Probably every building on the island has been destroyed; the palace-platform, all cracked, leans half-sunken askew into the lake, like a huge stranded ark, while of the palace itself no trace remains, except a mound of gold stones emerging above the lake to the south.

Times have changed since the Doctor and Mr. Boswell travelled for pleasure; and we much prefer an expedition to Moosehead, or a tramp in the Adirondack, to being boxed up in a four-wheeled ark and made "comfortable," according to the Doctor's idea of felicity.

"Shall build a wondrous ark, as thou beheldst.

only worthy ark To bear her God athwart the floods of time!

So of the lost keystone; so of the second temple; so of the hidden ark: these are to him legendary narratives, which, like the casket, would be of no value were it not for the precious jewel contained within.

So the guns are a holy ark now.

11 adjectives to describe  ark