6 adjectives to describe arrange

I expect you would rather work than watch, Dick; so you had better arrange to change places with Tom in the middle of the day, then you can each work half a day.

This day their Sar the flesh of birds eats not, Nor food profaned by fire this day, nor aught Of labor may perform nor zubat change, Nor snowy ku-bar-ra[10] anew arrange.

*arma* f. arm, weapon *armar* lay, set up (as a plot) *armatoste* m. clumsy article *arrancar* snatch, pull *arrastrar* drag, drag out, draw *arrebatar* carry off, snatch; *se* be led away; rush *arredrar* terrify; *se* become terrified *arreglar* arrange *arreglo* m. arrangement, settlement

disponer, to dispose, order, direct, arrange, prepare, get ready; refl., to prepare, get ready, proceed, be about to; to be arranged (or projected).

This day their Sar the flesh of birds eats not, Nor food profaned by fire this day, nor aught Of labor may perform nor zubat change, Nor snowy ku-bar-ra[10] anew arrange.

*arma* f. arm, weapon *armar* lay, set up (as a plot) *armatoste* m. clumsy article *arrancar* snatch, pull *arrastrar* drag, drag out, draw *arrebatar* carry off, snatch; *se* be led away; rush *arredrar* terrify; *se* become terrified *arreglar* arrange *arreglo* m. arrangement, settlement

6 adjectives to describe  arrange