18 adjectives to describe aughts

" "An thou knowest aught of him, good fellow," said young Partington, "thou wilt do great service to him and great pleasure to our royal Queen by aiding me to find him.

"Thou canst not impeach the senate's justice, old man, or utter aught in truth against the known impartiality of the laws?" "Sovrano mio!

No man has seen London at any time; the very word (meaning "the fort on the lake") is nonsensical; no human eye has ever beheld aught else but a number of houses; it is clear that this "London" is as mythical and monstrous and irrational a concept as many others of the same class.

"If thou sell aught unto thy neighbour, or buyest aught of thy neighbour's hand, ye shall not oppress one an other.

A little later, there came to my ears the noise of a very great splash amid the weed; but though I stared with intentness, I could nowhere discern aught as likely to be the cause thereof.

Before I understood this place Appointed for my second race, Or taught my soul to fancy aught

Certainly, I never saw sun-sets resembling those, nor could have conceived of aught so flamboyant, extravagant, and bewitched: for the whole heaven seemed turned into an arena for warring Hierarchies, warring for the universe, or it was like the wild countenance of God defeated, and flying marred and bloody from His enemies.

This action was not noticed; and before the other little urchins had found time for aught more fruitful than regret that they had not done likewise, the gentlemen got into their post-chaise, and were driven to the old mansion.

If thou hidest aught, or falsifiest aught, the heaviest punishment awaits thee!" "Hark ye, Lupo," said Sir Giles, in a low tone.

The time's necessity be our excuse, If there be aught informal in this meeting.

Of the Countess he saw nothing for some days, and Varney let it be thought that the unhappy lady who had made her way into the castle was his wife, while Amy, mindful of the alarm which Leicester had expressed at the Queen's knowing aught of their union, kept out of the way of her sovereign.

'I so love you as to know that I sin in so loving aught that is human.

Is our prattle aught To you, Sir?

From aught unworthy, the determined will Can guard the watchful spiritthere it ends.

"Am I a brute, to be set upon by the scum of the earth?" he cried: "if thou wouldst aught with me, Signor Sigismondo, raise thine own arm, but strike not with the hands of these base reptiles; thou wilt find me a man, in strength and courage, at least not unworthy of thyself.

'Yes, I will go up.' To tell the truth, the Reverend Frederick Thomasson had so keen a scent for Gold Tufts or aught akin to them, that it would have been strange if the instinct had not kept him at home; as a magnet, though unseen, attracts the needle.

A peck of meal upon her back, A babby in her basket; Saw ye aught of my love a-coming from the market?

If aught by him amiss were done, 'Twas that he let you rise so soon.

18 adjectives to describe  aughts