8 adjectives to describe b

"and Ophelia is coming with herOphelia CobbC-o-double-b it isis coming with her for a chaperon" "Great guns!"

OF THE LETTER B. The consonant B has but one sound; as in boy, robber, cub.

A whimsical originality of mind comes out also in the curious "B" of "Boz" (No. 10).

A, fiber serparating into disks; B, fibrillæ (highly magnified); C, cross section of a disk ]

Consoling himself with the reflexion that if Miss Lind could not rap out a B flat like Susanna, neither could she rap out an oath, he played the accompaniment much better than Marian sang the song.

The luckless busy B. And oh recall the sentence U Pass'd on your humble B, Let me remain at happy Q, Send me not o'er the C.

O b-brave, now m-my father sh-shall be f-free.

y=et ~is h~e | G=od-b=orn.

8 adjectives to describe  b