221 adjectives to describe balls

What these rather diminutive ferruginous globules will do for you, we do not know; but you can see for yourself, that with your lungs full of little iron balls you must certainly be in a "parlous" state.

Like his brother before him the duke was very fond of dancing, and kept many a reluctant senior and many a tired-out chaperone up till all hours at the grand ball given in honour of his twenty-fourth birthday.

He merely rocked back upon the rock, embraced his knees in both of his enormous arms, and, in a word, transformed himself into a round ball of mirth.

Nor was it long ere he made up his mind, and set about a huge kite, more than six feet higha great strong monster, with a tail of portentous lengthto the top of the arch of which he attached the golden ball.

Devoti to attend one of their famous children's fancy dress balls.

It assumed at first the form of a vast vaporous globe; then contracted to a comparatively small sphere, glowing as if more than red-hot, and leaving as it contracted two tiny balls revolving round their primary.

The question of a conical ball with a saucer base is fully discussed in Scloppetaria, but no practical result seems to have been before the public until Monsieur Delvigue, in 1828, employed a solid conical ball, which, resting on the breech clear of the powder, he expanded by several blows with the ramrod sufficiently to make it take the grooves.

If you filled a big, hollow cannon ball with water, and let it freeze, the ice would burst the iron.

INGREDIENTS.3 large lobsters, or 6 small ones; the crumb of a French roll, 2 anchovies, 1 onion, 1 small bunch of sweet herbs, 1 strip of lemon-peel, 2 oz. of butter, a little nutmeg, 1 teaspoonful of flour, 1 pint of cream, 1 pint of milk; forcemeat balls, mace, salt and pepper to taste, bread crumbs, 1 egg, 2 quarts of water.

The moon, a great yellow ball, floated in the sky above and in the sea beneath.

He would throw down into the theatre from aloft little wooden balls that had a mark, one signifying something to eat, another clothing, another a silver vessel, or perhaps a gold one, or again horses, pack-animals, cattle, slaves.

III What though in solemn silence all Move round the dark terrestrial ball; What though nor real voice nor sound Amidst their radiant orbs be found?

What put it in his head I am not sure, but I think it was two things togetherseeing a soaring lark radiant with the light of the unrisen sun, and finding in a corner of Spelman's shop a large gilt ball which had belonged to an old eight-day clock he had bought.

PACKARD, FRANK L. The purple ball.

"'Twas a pretty ball!"

A masked ball was given in celebration of the nuptials.

The annual ball of the Pioneer Guards was the swell affair of the social whirl, and it was anticipated with as much interest by the Four Hundred as the charity ball is to-day.

On the evening following the White House inaugural ball, the colored people of Washington gave an "inaugural" ball at a large public hall.

A great-muscled fellow sat on a stool surrounded by enormous balls and dumb bellsthe "Strong Man" of the circus.

One day, in a pause of a brilliant ball, they were called upon suddenly to extemporize (it was on a private hint from themselves) one of these exhibitions.

The afternoon preceding Mrs. Green's splendid ball, where I first saw my beautiful Rose-mother, two fugitive slaves arrived here in one of grandfather's ships called 'The King Cotton.'

When we heard her ask the clerk for solid rubber balls, we could scarcely keep still.

Do not at first try to get a severe shot, but practise getting a good-length slow ball until you are very accurate at that.

Mary asked me to put moth balls in it.

The silver rifle, as we have said, became "great medicine" to the Red-men when they saw it kill at a distance which the few wretched guns they had obtained from the fur-traders could not even send a spent ball to.

221 adjectives to describe  balls