31 adjectives to describe battering

Beat the yolks of 4 eggs; add a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoonful of melted butter, 1 small cup of milk and sifted flour enough to make a smooth batter.

Muffins. Take 1 quart of warm milk, 1/2 cup of yeast, 1 teaspoonful of salt and flour enough to make a stiff batter; let stand to raise until light.

Set a sponge over night with 1 cake of compressed yeast dissolved in a cup of warm water, 3 cups of milk and flour enough to make a thick batter.

Add a salt-spoonful of salt, 1 teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little milk, the yolks of 6 eggs and the whites beaten to a stiff froth and enough milk to make a thin batter.

Add the beaten whites and stir in the flour, making a light batter.

Against your fame with fondness hate combines, The rival batters, and the lover mines.

Caunt was a real giant, ugly as could be by the frequent batterings he had received in the face.

Stir into fritter batter and fry in boiling hot fat or oil.

A squinting eye is a treasure to a boxer, a left-handed batter is a prize in a cricketing eleven, and one of the best gymnasts in Chicago is an individual with a wooden leg, which he takes off at the commencement of affairs, thus economizing weight and stowage, and performing achievements impossible except to unipeds.

His heart had withstood the importunate batterings of many a love siege; the wounds had been pleasant ones and the recovery quick.

I can't stand that infernal battering.

Only a very little batter should be put in each cup.

Take one pound of cornmeal mixed with a little ground allspice, cloves, and pepper, add the boiled honey, make a loose batter, add one wineglass of brandy; mix all, and cool.

In making cake with yeast, do not use very thick cream, as a rich, oily batter retards fermentation and makes the cake slow in rising.

Take a pint of Cream, and six new laid Egs, beat them very well together, put in a quarter of a pound of Sugar, and one Nutmeg or a little beaten Mace (which you please) and so much flower as will thicken almost as much as ordinarily Pan-cake batter; your Pan must be heated reasonably hot & wiped with a clean Cloth, this done put in your Batter as thick or thin as you please.

The rabble batter Burbon's shield (protestantism), and compel him to throw it away.

Work in the risen batter two or three spoons at a time between each egg.

Dip them in a seasoned egg batter and fry in deep hot lard to a golden brown.

In April, 1863, a naval attack on Charleston was planned, but was carried no farther than a severe battering of Fort Sumter.

Make the frying-pan hot, wipe it with a clean cloth, pour in sufficient batter to make a thin pancake, and fry it for about 5 minutes.

Is no mention to be made of youyou, "molasses fingers"the star left fielderthe timely batter?

It smelled pretty good, but when I drew my knife across it to cut it in two, all the center was uncooked batter, which ran out upon my plate, and spoiled my supper.

Well, it was not like the collision of two hard substances, but rather of the heavy "thud" order of sound, like the descent of a solid into a soft substance; say, for instance, of a flat-iron into a jar of unrisen buck-wheat batter.

He had a considerable gift of speech, as the College Debating Society, which met amidst the crushing machines and mine models in the metallurgical theatre downstairs, already recognisedrecognised by a violent battering of desks whenever he rose.

Put first a tablespoon of brown batter in the pan, and then the white.

31 adjectives to describe  battering