22 adjectives to describe battleship

Far down the river now the giant battleship was disappearing from the sight of the men and women who lined the banks.

Fully a hundred midshipmen, belonging to the first, second and third classes, were waiting to be transported out to one or another of the great, gray battleships.

Closer in shore lay several grim looking battleships and cruisers.

In the night the British Mediterranean fleet, cruising down from Malta, had come into the roadstead, and at the signal from the flagship had maneuvered and dropped anchor, forming a long line of gigantic battleships, swift cruisers, torpedo-boat destroyers, torpedo-boats, despatch-boats, and other craft extending for several miles along the coast.

This confidence in big, very expensive battleships is, I believe and hope, shared by the German Government and by Europe generally, but it is, nevertheless, a very unreasonable confidence, and it may easily lead us into the most tragic of national disillusionments.

Whose votes rob me of my extra battleships?

The British ships on which the brunt of the fighting fell were the battle-cruiser fleet and some cruisers and light cruisers, supported by four fast battleships.

When a foreign battleship enters a fortified port the visiting fleet, or rather, its flagship, fires a national salute of twenty-one guns.

It is also safe to assume that a fleet built expressly on uniform tactical principles represents a more powerful fighting force than we have to-day in an equal number of heterogeneous battleships.

Englishmen were also building two ironclad battleships for the Confederates.

When our magnificent battleship Maine was sunk in Havana harbor, February 15, 1898, the 25th U.S. Infantry was scattered in western Montana, doing garrison duty, with headquarters at Fort Missoula.

In another couple of minutes the puffing launch was steaming away to the massive battleship that lay out in the stream.

This little burn is the North Tyne, the beginnings of that stream which, deep, dark, and swift at its mouth, bears the mighty battleships there built to carry the war-flags of the nations round the world.

England built a monstrous battleship called the Dreadnaught, which was twice as heavy as any other battleship afloat.

I sent a message in the air to the nearest battleship.

I don't know what he ever done, but he looks as if he could, all right!" at which everybody cheered and roared, and the Admiral to his great surprise made a speech, during which the telltale tears appeared so often in his eyes and in his voice, that Osh Popham concluded privately that if the naval hero ever did meet an opposing battleship he would be likelier to drown the enemy than fire into them!

It seems reasonable to expect that it will be the same with modern fleets of suitable battleships.

The familiar lines of anchored battleships appeared with a motion of men in white on the gray decks.

Then some designssome valuable battleship designsdisappeared from Devonport Dockyard.

But perhaps the most momentous event of the month has been the coming of the Tanks, a most humorous and formidable addition to the fauna of the battlefieldhalf battleship, half caterpillarwhich have given the Germans the surprise of their lives, a surprise all the more effective for being sudden and complete.

On the right, with its ruined mosque and conning-tower grey in the morning light, the massive pile of Shivner frowns over the valley, like some dismasted battleship, hurled upwards into sudden petrifaction by the hands of Titans.

Now they saw the not very distant battleships alter their courses and steam slowly away.

22 adjectives to describe  battleship