4 adjectives to describe beame

] Thenceforth all worlds desire will in thee dye, And all earthes glorie, on which men do gaze, 275 Seeme durt and drosse in thy pure-sighted eye, Compar'd to that celestiall beauties blaze, Whose glorious beames all fleshly sense doth daze With admiration of their passing light, Blinding the eyes, and lumining the spright.

As with thy fiery beames to warme my bloud ... Narcissus.

Early, before the worlds light-giving lampe His golden beame upon the hils doth spred, 20 Having disperst the nights unchearfull dampe, Doe ye awake, and, with fresh lustyhed, Go to the bowre of my beloved Love, My truest turtle dove.

But when I feele the bitter balefull smart Which her fayre eyes unwares doe worke in mee, That death out of theyr shiny beames doe dart, I thinke that I a new Pandora see, Whom all the gods in councell did agree Into this sinfull world from heaven to send, That she to wicked men a scourge should bee,

4 adjectives to describe  beame