41 adjectives to describe bean

Doughnuts and cheese, pie and pickles, cider and tea, baked beans and custards, cake and cold turkey, bread and butter, plum pudding and French bonbons, Sophie's contribution.

When served alone, young and tender broad beans or green peas are the usual accompaniments.

This is how the test was made: A small brown bean full of poison was crushed and put into water.

Around these stacks were scattered the remains of old boots and shoes, scarlet blood-soaked rags, dry beans, bits of soap, playing cards and songs.

The plush-string-bean.

Have ready a pint of haricot beans well boiled and drained; put them with the onions and gravy, mix all well together, and serve very hot.

There were potatoes, Irish and sweet, navy beans, onions, meat, stacks of light bread, canned salmon, canned tomatoes, etc.

of raw beans is an average produce.

The magical jumping beans.

BEAN AND TOMATO SOUP.Take one pint of boiled or a little less of mashed beans, one pint of stewed tomatoes, and rub together through a colander.

" We may mention here that the lotus, known also as the sacred bean of Egypt, and the rose-lily of the Nile, as far back as four thousand years ago was held in high sanctity by the Egyptian priests, still retaining its sacred character in China, Japan, and Asiatic Russia.

We went into the garden, and sowed the scarlet beans about the house.

"Chief," said Joe Rix, the smoothest spoken of the lot, and one who was supposed to stand specially well with Lord Nick on account of his ability to bake beans, Spanish.

A pint of cold mashed potatoes, a cupful of stewed beans, a spoonful or two of boiled rice, stewed tomatoes, or other bits of vegetables and grains, are quite as good for soup purposes as fresh material, provided they have been preserved fresh and sweet.

Had he heard an old woman say her prayers in Latin, their sprinkling of holy water, and going a procession, "incedunt monachorum agmina mille; Quid momerem vexilla, cruces, idolaque culta," &c. Their breviaries, bulls, hallowed beans, exorcisms, pictures, curious crosses, fables, and baubles.

"Oh, well, if you want to know, I'm sailing under a hard-case mate as I sailed with years ago; 'E's big as a bucko an' full o' beans, the same as 'e used to be When I knowed 'im last in the windbag days when first I followed the sea.

Instant red beans and rice?

The happy future which the little bean had dangled before her eyes, absurdly as he had fashioned and bedecked it, reminded her all too sharply of that which she had promised herself with one, in whose affections she had fancied herself secure, despite the attacks of the prettiest Abigail in the world.

The provisions we prepared were, a sack of small yellow beans; a small sack of wheat, a quantity of good dried meat, and some of the coarse, unbolted flour we had made at the mills.

The shape was like a stout bean with a hollow on one side, and down the middle ran the gorge of a mountain stream.

Dick and I sat down opposite each other and between us there was a great brown bowl of moist brown beans with crispy strips of pork on top, and a good steam rising from its depths; and a small mountain of baked potatoes, each a little broken to show the snowy white interior; and two towers of such new bread as no one on this earth (or in any other planet so far as I know) but Harriet can make.

They found some mosquite beans, which they did not know were of much use, but really, if they had known how to fix them up a little they would have been good food.

Native beans are nutritious and form one of the chief foods.

But a dairy lunch room invited him, with its white tiling, and its pans of baked apples, and browned beans and its coffee tank.

A purple flowering bean, the seeds of which are the size of the English horse-bean, is here found in abundance, and are eaten by the natives.

41 adjectives to describe  bean