8 adjectives to describe befo

[Illustration: "Seem like a person don't no mo' 'n realize he's a descendant befo' he's a' ancestor."] When I set here by myself on this po'ch so much these days an' think,an' remember,why I thess wonder over the passage o' time.

He wuz floatin' at de time, en' come mighty nigh gittin' drownded befo' he woke up.

Now, yo' let me help yo' all git dressed befo' I begin to wrassle wid dat tight skirt ob mine.

" "I expec's ter die a vi'lent death in a quarrel wid a w'ite man," replied Josh, in a matter-of-fact tone, "an' fu'thermo', he's gwine ter die at the same time, er a little befo'.

" "Did you eber see a club-footed nigger befo' er sence?" "No, I can't remember that I ever saw a club-footed colored man," I replied, after a moment's reflection.

Weren't you, dearest?" "I certainly was; but I am a bad rebel and you are good little Yankees; and good little Yankees wait till they're twenty odd befo' they do anything ve'y ridiculous.

Weren't you, dearest?" "I certainly was; but I am a bad rebel and you are good little Yankees; and good little Yankees wait till they're twenty odd befo' they do anything ve'y ridiculous.

"There's a regimentCurt's Zouavesencamped befo' the west quarters, and a battery across the drive, and all the garden is full of their horses and caissons.

8 adjectives to describe  befo