21 adjectives to describe beholding

Hear him, ye Deaf, and all ye Blind behold!

"All gone! 'tis ours the goodly land Look roundthe heritage behold; Go forthupon the mountain stand; Then, if you can, be cold.

Sight so deform, what Heart of Rock could long Dry-eyed behold?

But ah! wicked children, I fear they forget That God does their cruel diversion behold; And that in his book dreadful curses are writ, For those who shall mock at the poor and the old.

Then she said to Percival: "My son, that which thou didst behold was doubtless an angel."

And, like the timid lambs that crowd with bleatings in the fold, When they advancing to their throats the furious wolf behold, The lovely Moorish maidens, with wet but flashing eyes, Are crowded in a public square and fill the air with cries; And tho', like tender women, 'tis vain for them to arm, Yet loudly they re-echo the words of the alarm.

God grant that I may keep this mortal breath Until I too that glorious day behold Which shall at last confound the sons of death!

Who, my gracious care beholding, Shall their lives end joyful there.

But from the ridiculous to the sublime, it is but a stepand while talking of Le hasard behold, we have arrived at the Maison Dorée.

Certain people, certain human atmospheres, certain wandering forces, thoughts, desires eventhe radiations of certain combinations of colour, and above all, the vibrations of certain kinds of music, will suddenly throw me into a state of what I can only describe as an intense and terrific inner vibrationand behold I am off!

Now they charge on amain, Now they rally again: The gods from above the mad labour behold, And pity mankind, that will perish for gold.

But let him mortal insolence behold: How with proud contumacy rife, Wantons the stem in lusty life

As home they are brought, all dripping and cold, To all who their piteous plight behold, The worst of the story is plainly told Their parents were disobeyed!

Rags, relics, witches, ghosts, fiends, crowd your page; Our fathers' mummeries we well-pleased behold, And, proudly conscious of a purer age, Forgive some fopperies in the times of old.

the sable throne behold Of Night primeval and of Chaos old!

Our British youth, with inborn freedom bold, Unnumbered scenes of servitude behold, 80 Nations of slaves, with tyranny debased, (Their Maker's image more than half defaced,) Hourly instructed, as they urge their toil, To prize their queen, and love their native soil.

But as our kind is of a softer mould, 90 And cannot blood without a sigh behold, I grant thee life; reserving still the power To take the forfeit when I see my hour: Unless thy answer to my next demand Shall set thee free from our avenging hand.

90 From hence he does that antique pile behold, Where royal heads receive the sacred gold; It gives them crowns, and does their ashes keep; There made like gods, like mortals there they sleep; Making the circle of their reign complete, Those suns of empire!

Has length of life and a hapless old age reserved me for thisto behold you first an exile, then an enemy?

So cried he, and, plunging into the thick of the affray, smote aside all such as barred his way until he fronted Sir Pertolepe, who, astride a powerful mailed charger, wielded a bloody mace, and who, hearing that hoarse cry, turned and met the shearing axe with blazoned shieldand behold!

"In greatest amazement Mir Jan glanced from Moussa Isa to the bottle, clenching his hand to strike the boywhen behold!

21 adjectives to describe  beholding