9 adjectives to describe between

"A people of theists necessarily become revelationists, that is to say, slaves of priests, who are but religious go-betweens, and physicians of damned souls.

Nothing 'between' things can connect them, for 'between' is just that third thing, 'between,' and would need itself to be connected to the first and second things by two still finer betweens, and so on ad infinitum.

When evening at length drew near, drums and flutes were sounded, the flowered palankeen entered the courtyard, and the hoodwinked go-between, admiring the beauty of the bogus bride, herself opened the scarlet curtains.

However removed, you are an indirect agent of the earth, a humble go-between of the seasons and the eternal needs of man.

Suggestions will "leak out" remarkably from both sides, to journalists and neutral go-betweens.

There were almost numberless go-betweens who carried letters for the lovers, or received them in different towns.

Moreover, the 'on' fails to appear to our senses as one of those unintelligible 'betweens' that have to be separately hooked on the terms they pretend to connect.

The corpulent go-between had disappeared with the lightness of an immaterial being, as though swallowed up by the wall.

" Without further delay, the venerable go-between went straight to The Pavilion of the Quick Hedge, where she found Fan behind his counter, and saluted him: "Ten thousand happinesses!"

9 adjectives to describe  between