8 adjectives to describe blankness

Elinor had regained her self-control, and the angry light in the far-seeing eyes was giving place to the cool gray blankness which she cultivated.

For half a century past, the only remaining spaces of complete mystery, of utter blankness on our maps, were the two Poles.

When his eyes opened blankly, she kissed them till they closed again, because she could not bear to see the dreadful blankness that was in them.

"Let me offer you another julep," she said, after a little, noting that his eyes had swept the empty glass with a chastened blankness.

There was nothing, no glimmer of Stephen's candle, no sound of men's footsteps or of men's voices; the merest blankness, and no more.

He saw Stephen Whitelaw, and that individual's colourless expressionless countenance, redeemed from total blankness only by the cunning visible in the small grey eyes, impressed him with instant distrust and dislike.

That instant, a merciful blankness fell upon her mind.

Elinor had regained her self-control, and the angry light in the far-seeing eyes was giving place to the cool gray blankness which she cultivated.

8 adjectives to describe  blankness