47 adjectives to describe blasphemies

" This doctrine, which is horrible blasphemy in the eyes of natural feeling, is good reasoning in Catholic and Calvinistic theology.

Another of his acquaintance broke out into like atheistical blasphemies, upon his wife's death raved, cursed, said and did he cared not what.

For the songs of Zion obscene and hateful blasphemies.

At this audacious blasphemy, I thought The spirit of vengeance seemed to ride the air.

Literary blasphemies.

But if that be the case, the very utterance of which is impious, I ask myself how it is that they themselves are not filled with horror to think that they have imagined such abominable blasphemies.

" "Angy Plummer, I call that downright blasphemy," exclaimed her mother.

It won't let me pray, it interrupts me with dreadful blasphemies.

Only the man would be changed; some began to be more reckless, as if a dumb blasphemy rankled hidden in their breasts.

Shall we defend our persons, our property, and our lives, and take no notice of those who impiously and deliberately would destroy our souls by their envenomed blasphemies?

19 And may the god of divine speech expel from his five thousand that wicked thousand 20 who in the midst of his heavenly son, had shouted evil blasphemies!

He had indeed done so, and given the company at the undertaker's a touch of his favourite blasphemy, for when the man of coffins had done his work and laid the body in its box, Selwyn, imitating the voice of the Lord Chancellor at the trial, muttered, 'My Lord Lovat, you may rise.'

What foolish blasphemy against love and life!

To take from thy fellow is evil, to steal from thy lord is worse, but to ravish from Holy Churchper de 'tis sacrilege, 'tis foul blasphemy thriceaye thirty times damned and beyond all hope of redemption!

he said; "in thee I worship purity and holiness and" "Naynay, Raoul, do notrefrainif thou really lov'st me, utter not this frightful blasphemy; tell me, rather, if thou didst not find the holy father as I describe him?" "I found him a peaceful, venerable, and, I firmly believe, a good old man, Ghita; but only a man.

He crawled to his feet, and broke into furious blasphemies.

Just when he was come over against the mouth of the burning pit, one of the wicked ones got behind him, and stepped up softly to him, and whisperingly suggested many grievous blasphemies to him, which he verily thought had proceeded from his own mind.

As he thought what he should say, love's phrase-book turned to a grim and fearful blasphemy in his own inner ears.

So late as 1697 a youth named Pakenham was hanged at Edinburgh on the charge of heretical blasphemy.

There was a hideous blasphemy, a groan, and a heavy fall between the wheels of the cab.

They deny the sacredness of the marriage covenant; and, interspersing their utterances with the most horrid blasphemies against God and his Son, and everything that is lovely, and good, and pure, they give the freest license to every propensity to sin, and to every carnal and fleshly lust.

The description being recognized as that of Simoun, the declaration was received as an absurdity and the robber subjected to all kinds of tortures, including the electric machine, for his impious blasphemy.

"The surviving burglar stood petrified, stooping over his comrade, with the lantern in one shaking hand and the revolver still grasped in the other; and as he stood, he poured out, in a curious, whimpering undertone, an unending torrent of incoherent blasphemies, as appears to be the habit of that type of man when frightened.

Only by others borne across the sea Came the incredible wild blasphemy They called her deathas though it could be true Of such an immortality as you!

Around this very square marched the procession of the Holy Office, in all the insolent blasphemy of its power, and on these very stones were kindled the flames that were to destroy its victims.

47 adjectives to describe  blasphemies