27 adjectives to describe blend

I., is a curious blend of Lamb's own experiences at school with those of Coleridge.

Melding will pay you dividends in lighter, brighter, better blends.

Morning, noon, and night, the quarter in which the Hotel of the Three Desires was situated was fragrant with the smell of garbage and Chinese tobacco; a peculiar blend of perfume, which once smelt is not to be soon forgotten.

Melding will pay you dividends in lighter, brighter, better blends.

The wine seems black, and yet at the same time powerfully and almost impossibly red; the sky seems black, and yet at the same time to be only too dense a blend of purple and green.

He attempted several combinations and ended in achieving the exact blend by joining tuberose and rose to orange, the whole united by a drop of vanilla.

Neither drawing nor photograph can give any idea of this exquisite blend of the stern and the beautiful.

It's a fascinating blend of ideas.'

Then, he grew hungrya thing that rarely if ever happened to himand dipped his toast, spread with a special butter, in a cup of tea, a flawless blend of Siafayoune, Moyoutann and Khanskyyellow teas which had come from China to Russia by special caravans.

What she knew of sex was a fuzzy blend of Michelangelo and the diaries of Anais Nin.

Coerced, thy Spirit smiled, sedate in pride, Fixt as the pine, while circling storms contend; But, when in Life's serener duties tried, How sweetly did its gentle essence blend, All-beauteous in the wife, the daughter, and the friend!

In him the European blood, of the best in the British Isles, arrested the abandon of the aborigine, and created a hesitant blend of dignity and awkwardness.

A bleak laughter blends now with that once luxurious melancholy.

The theme is the influence of heredity, as shown in the working out of a strain of Spanish blood in a Sussex peasant stock, the victims of this inconvenient blend being Ruth and the young cousin whom half-unwillingly she marries; with devastating results.

375 With nice selection modest RUBIA blends, Her vermil dyes, and o'er the cauldron bends; Warm 'mid the rising steam the Beauty glows, As blushes in a mist the dewy rose.

But whatever was prosaic in Potsdam was already established at Windsor; the economy of cold mutton, the heavy-handed taste in the arts, and the strange northern blend of boorishness with etiquette.

But the pleasure of adding dignity and sweetness to the character of Ulysses seems to have been very considerable as he worked (or so I imagine), and he made practically a new thing, a very persuasive blend of ancient and modern.

A shameless blend of petty larceny, mendacity, fleas, gourmandism, dirt and unequalled plausibility.

He had much of the quality shown later by the fiery Thayendanegea, who bore himself with the best in London and who was their equal in manners, though the Onondaga, while as brave and daring as the Mohawk, was gentler and more spiritual, being, in truth, what his mind and circumstances had made him, a singular blend of red and white culture.

We should remember that in Shelley we are dealing with a tragic blend of high-mindedness and light-headedness.

And I looked with him, over his shoulder; but there was nothing; and the note for Bob Evers now inspired me with a tripartite blend of curiosity, envy, and apprehension.

His aim was to reproduce in German verse the peculiar savor of the Orientals, with their unique blend of sensuality, wit, and mystic philosophy.

It had an atmosphere of solemn twilight tranquillity, and so completely did its unruffled surface blend with the cloudless, star-studded sky, that, when I looked through my spectacles at my grandmother, the vision seemed to me all heaven and stars.

And if there be whom broken ties Afflict, or injuries assail, Yon hazy ridges to their eyes Present a glorious scale Climbing suffused with sunny air, To stopno record hath told where; And tempting Fancy to ascend, And with immortal spirits blend!

His manner to his wife displayed a charming blend of tenderness and self-restraint; yet in some fashion he held his own with her, and once, meeting Juliet's eyes, he smiled in a way that reminded her of the day on which she had dared to give him advice as to the best means of securing happiness.

27 adjectives to describe  blend