52 adjectives to describe bombardment

The preliminary bombardment began on October 27 and it grew in intensity day by day.

The first German prisoners taken were in a completely dazed state as a result of the terrific bombardment they had undergone, and other Germans were seen to flee to the rear, deserting their posts as the attack began.

It resulted, however, that neither Italians nor Austrians could afford to indulge in continuous heavy bombardments, such as were the rule in France.

They then reopened, and by half-past eight, the wire-cutting being reported completed, an intense bombardment was ordered, under cover of which, and with the assistance of machine-gun fire from aeroplanes, the 181st Infantry Brigade of the 60th Division went forward to the assault.

After a day and a night of these aerial torpedoes the Hun proceeded to an intensive artillery bombardment.

We wanted it badly, as the enemy had theirs in force and kept up a furious bombardment.

The day after the unsuccessful bombardment of Fort McHenry, General Smith sent for Fernando Stevens, and when he was in the general's head quarters, that officer said: "Captain Stevens, I would like to have you do a little detached duty.

Two days later General Hill submitted another scheme which provided for a surprise attack by night with no naval or land artillery bombardment, such a demonstration being likely to attract attention.

After you have been scared stiff, while pretending that you were not, by sharing with Mr. Atkins an accurate bombardment of a trench and are convinced that the next shell is bound to get you, you fall into the attitude of the army.

September 11.The advanced batteries were all completed by the evening of September 11, when the actual bombardment of the city began.

The German ship fired and then the destroyers, accompanying the Amphion, surrounded and sank it after a brief combined bombardment.

The enemy showed a disposition to retaliate, and on the afternoon of the 4th he put up a fierce bombardment of our front-line positions from Outpost Hill to the sea, including in his fire area the whole of the trenches we had taken from him from Umbrella Hill to Sheikh Hasan.

Many Italian troops, both Infantry and Artillery, subjected to prolonged gas bombardment, found the gas masks provided by the High Command quite inadequate.

Now, hanging low over the land, a sudden bombardment broke out from the German air planes.

The British offensive took Fricourt on the 2nd, after a tremendous bombardment, and occupied several villages, while the French advanced to within three miles of Peronne.

" Four years of this vigorous bombardment, which included in its objects the whole range of Disraeli's "brilliant foreign policy" of threat and bluster, produced its effect, A popular song of the day gave a nickname to this policy:

The troops along the Western battle lines were, however, subjected almost daily to violent artillery bombardment.

Batteries were established and a constant bombardment commenced, the main target being Fort St. Michael at the end of Senglea, on which a converging fire was brought to bear.

Directly after anchoring, a futile bombardment was opened on the Kennery fort, but the distance was so great that nothing was effected but waste of ammunition.

The usual desultory and harmless bombardment followed; the Phram and the bombketch being equally inefficient.

And well he might, for it had been a hellish bombardment up there.

Incessant bombardment from the fighting lines has crumbled village after village into dust, or gashed the small historic towns and the stately country houses.

Our Infantry held their preliminary positions here for two days, in spite of considerable Austrian bombardment and counter-attacks.

On Friday, June 2, the Germans, after a concentrated bombardment with heavy artillery, pressed forward to the assault and succeeded in penetrating the British lines.

Before the French had cleared the trench the Germans opened a leisurely bombardment with a trench mortar.

52 adjectives to describe  bombardment