6 adjectives to describe bookmaker

A circumstance carelessly told, carelessly listened to, half comprehended, and imperfectly remembered, has a poor chance of being repeated accurately by the first hearer; but when, after passing through the moulding of countless hands, it comes, with time, place, and person, gloriously confounded, into those of a bookmaker ignorant of all its bearings, it will be lucky indeed if any trace of the original groundwork remains distinguishable.

"If James Terry, the bookmaker, loud, florid, vulgar, was an unprepossessing individual, certainly George Higgins, who was still under the accusation of murder, was ten thousand times more so.

Why, didn't I know that Charles was a racing and betting man, and a notorious bookmaker?

The professional bookmakers have the latest possible and most exact information on which to base their bids.

His eye pierces through the tobacco smoke and transfixes the unhappy bookmaker.

Patronise all titled sportsmen, and pat wealthy bookmakers on the back.

6 adjectives to describe  bookmaker