12 adjectives to describe boxers

A pursy, unwieldy, half cataleptic baker of Mannheim had absolutely fought six-and-twenty rounds with an accomplished English boxer merely upon this inspiration; so greatly was natural genius exalted and sublimed by the genial presence of his murderer.

The Coming Of The British Imagine, if you please, a professional heavy-weight prize-fighter, with an abnormally long reach, holding an amateur bantam-weight boxer at arm's length with one hand and hitting him when and where he pleased with the other.

The latter was a clever boxer, while Mike had never had a lesson in his life.

I have seen the gesture in experienced boxers and in men of business when openly or implicitly challenged.

The reigning beauties, the fashionable boxers and opera dancers were in the highest feather.

Cowan was a favorite boxer, and shortly to face the noted Christchurch Kid, of Christchurch, New Zealand, whose fist was described on the bill-boards as "a rock thrown by a mighty slinger."

Then while he sat on a beer keg until he should be in breath again the unwinded Spike would skip the ropea girl's skipping ropeor shadow-box about the room with intricate dance steps, raining quick blows upon a ghostly boxer who was invariably beaten; or with smaller gloves he would cause the inflated bag to play lively tunes upon the ceiling of its support.

So that, by heaven, one might justly salute him, 'Hail, marvellous conqueror, who hast conquered, not these miserable boxers and athletes, nor these gladiators who resemble them.'

Diamond will think he has been struck by an earthquake!" Bruce Browning, himself a scientific boxer, was watching every movement of the two freshmen.

That is why a superior boxer seems to hypnotize his antagonist with movements which to the spectator seem perfectly easy, slow, and sure.

Generous emulation and magnanimity were regarded as the noblest qualities called forth in gymnastic exercises; and Mercury seems a fitter tutelar divinity of the wary boxer and of the race-course than of the whole gymnasium.

We shall soon see which is the better boxer, you or. 23.

12 adjectives to describe  boxers