503 adjectives to describe brothers

He had eaten to his liking, and had allowed the grim-looking eldest brother to fill his glass again and again with "Genievre" till his face began to flush, and his eyes grew dazed and heavy.

And I am one of those," the lady said, "that go back to the dear earth and gather up the tale of what our little brethren are doing.

It's the skull, JOHN McLAUGHLIN, of a twin-brother of the man who really wishedreally wished, JOHN McLAUGHLINthat he could be sat'shfied, sir, in his own mind, that CHARLES DICKENS was a Christian writer.

"Gals," he asked humbly, "would yew ruther have a new 'beloved brother'?"

He knew his way about these holy houses, and exchanged a nod of recognition with the lay brother on duty in the office.

God give ye joy of it, tall brother, as he doth me and this goodly ass betwixt my knees, patient beast.

As always had been the case, and probably always is likely to be, the players who received the larger salaries were in no mood to share with their weaker brothers any excess margin of pay which they thought that they had justly earned, and it was not a difficult matter for them to obtain the consent of players who might really have benefited by the plan to co-operate with them on the basis of comradeship.

He was never a very affectionate brother, you know, but now they cannot get him away from Carmel's door.

This gentleman gave a dinner at Delmonico's, then in William Street, to a professional brother from another city, who was in town only for the day.

For pungent proof, hear this: A young lady, a daughter of the venerable and hospitable General G-, of Upper Guilford, Conn., was once catechizing a black camp-meeting, and when the exercises were over, a colored brother approached her and said: "Look-a-yar now, 's MARY, jist gib dis nigger one obdem catekidgeble books.

"Think of it, oh! think of it, my royal brother," I said, laying a hand on each of his royal shoulders.

After the amiable fashion of French mothers, she had placed him out at nurse in a village in the neighbourhood of Paris, where little Rawdon lived, not unhappily, with a numerous family of foster brothers in wooden shoes.

Shut off in their cold northern peninsulas and islands, they had grown more slowly, it may be, than their southern brethren.

"That was all you saw of my unfortunate brother?" he demanded at the end.

I had a younger brother, whose name was Antonio, to whom I trusted every thing; and as I was fond of retirement and deep study, I commonly left the management of my state affairs to your uncle, my false brother (for so indeed he proved).

We understand each other, worthy brother!

Sir Samuel Bentham, though of a character of mind different from that of his illustrious brother, was a man of very considerable attainments and general powers, with a decided genius for mechanical art.

O ye kind brothers of the monastery of Carmel!

The three elder brothers of Alfred reigned successively over Wessex,to whom all England owned allegiance.

By this delay he lost the kingdom of England, which the great fame he had acquired during the crusades, as well as his undoubted title, both by birth, and by the preceding agreement with his deceased brother, would, had he been present, have infallibly secured to him.

Show me thy purse, reverend brother, or I may perchance have to strip thy robes from thee to search for it myself.

can you bring me to the sight of Isabel, a novice of this place, and the fair sister to her unhappy brother Claudio?"

Even his faithful brother cried out, and owned that he was in the wrong.

And I am her favourite brother.

Many extremists among the brotherhood even went so far as to defy their governments openly, declaring that if forced to take up arms they would turn them against their tyrannous oppressors rather than against their helpless brothers of another nation.

503 adjectives to describe  brothers