21 adjectives to describe brunettes

We will pass an evening worthy of Horace, and with garlands and libations honour the muse of painting.' 'Luxurious dog!' said Lancelot, 'with all your cant about poverty.' As he spoke, the folding doors opened, and an exquisite little brunette danced in from the inner room, in which, by the bye, had been going on all the while a suspicious rustling, as of garments hastily arranged.

" The new-comer was a tall, graceful brunette, her fresh face and sparkling black eyes the brighter in contrast with her plain dress.

This handsome brunette lived in a corner house of Saville Row, in Piccadilly, where Dodington visited her.

She was a lively, pretty brunette, with brownest curling hair, only fifteen; and to this day, I believe, knows not the name of her lover.

She was a lively, pretty brunette, with brownest curling hair, only fifteen; and to this day, I believe, knows not the name of her lover.

Three prettier damsels never tripped down the wide staircase than the brilliant brunette in crimson brocade, the pensive blonde in blue, or the rosy little bride in old muslin and white satin.

She was a tall, highly-coloured, flashing-eyed brunette, to whom a triumph would be immense over the refined, statuesque, severe Miss Vivian, and an apple-blossom innocent-looking girl who was also present, and though Lady Tyrrell was incontestably the handsomest person in the room, her age and standing had probably prevented her occurring to the propounders of the scheme.

The extreme beauty of the leg and foot, the pulpiness of the arms, the expressive sweetness of the face, and the resemblance of the marble to wax in point of mellowness, gives to this beautiful statue the appearance of a living female brunette.

" The new-comer was a tall, graceful brunette, her fresh face and sparkling black eyes the brighter in contrast with her plain dress.

She had chosen hers on the advice of a lady in the dining-car, a lovely blonde, née brunette, who had once enjoyed a honeymoon in Los Angeles, and was now on her way Nevadaward to get a divorce.

She had chosen hers on the advice of a lady in the dining-car, a lovely blonde, née brunette, who had once enjoyed a honeymoon in Los Angeles, and was now on her way Nevadaward to get a divorce.

Unquestionably, there is not one among the frail blondes and majestic brunettes of the flesh that can vie with their delicate grace and terrific strength.

" "She's a pernounced brunette," explained the poet; "and her name is Birdie.

Two Mancini sisters and the nephew were the children of the youngest sister of his Eminence; and of the sisters Laure, the elder, was a pleasing brunette with a handsome face, about twelve or thirteen years of age; the second (Olympe), also a brunette, had a long face and pointed chin.

Louise, a plump brunette, all gayety and health, with abundant hair and large laughing eyes, married notary Mazaud of Janville, a quiet, pensive little man, whose occasional silent smiles alone denoted the perfect satisfaction which he felt at having found a wife of such joyous disposition.

She was a sallow brunette but her features were regular and delicate.

She was a slim, fine brunette, who, as I knew, had long been a confidante of Louison.

The other girls rather envied Grace her hairespecially Mollie, who was a decided brunette.

She was a charming little brunette, with laughter always lurking in ambush within her sparkling black eyes, a mouth like "Cupid's bow carved in coral," and dimples in her cheeks, that well deserved their French name, berceaux d'amour.

The other, the Engerth, is a nobly proportioned dusky brunette emitting raucous, muffled cries.

We will pass an evening worthy of Horace, and with garlands and libations honour the muse of painting.' 'Luxurious dog!' said Lancelot, 'with all your cant about poverty.' As he spoke, the folding doors opened, and an exquisite little brunette danced in from the inner room, in which, by the bye, had been going on all the while a suspicious rustling, as of garments hastily arranged.

21 adjectives to describe  brunettes