26 adjectives to describe bunk

The whole hillside was one slush, and the snow melting on the ill-made Little Cabin roof brought a shower-bath into the upper bunk.

In quarters, headdress and accouterments are removed and the men stand near their respective bunks; in camp they stand covered, but without accourterments, in front of their tents.

In fact, it was not until three days later that he discovered there was a spare bunk in the forecastle, and that the unscrupulous seaman was occupying it.

" "All this stuff about ideal love and soul communion and perfect mating is pure bunk, it seems to me," Charlie tacked off on a new course of thought.

With a derisive glance he indicated the flies swarming about his pots and pans, the ill-trimmed lamp reeking of petroleum, the rough bunk wherein he slept, the rusty stove.

They place him in his rude bunk, where he lies writhing and twisting about as under strong excitement.

A little bag of bones and yellow skin that once had been a man lay on the wooden bunk, whose hard surface was softened only by a piece of matting.

There were no curtains for partition walls nor crude bunks for beds.

As a general fact the earth is their only floor and bednot one in ten have anything like a bedstead, and then it is a mere bunk put up by themselves.

almost shrieked Steve, as he now tumbled out of his odd bunk very much after the fashion of a dislodged log, landing with a bump on the floor.

We went into the thing deluded by patriotic bunk and the promise that it was a war to end war; we came out to find the old men more firmly entrenched in the seats of the mighty than ever and stubbornly bent on perpetuating precisely the same rotten conditions that make wars inevitable.

"What with losing that nice, airy bunk and getting that nasty, stuffy stateroom, I don't feel like eating.

But he did not talk until the lights had been put out and the three youths were in their separate bunks.

The shame of it burned in him; but the comfort of the smoothed bunk and the filled pipe between his teeth was a blessing.

Worst of all, while he was groaning in his stuffy bunk, he knew that a very merry party of passengers were enjoying themselves in the saloon.

I followed quickly, to find the Professor staring, pop-eyed, at three vacant bunks.

You cannot feed his massive trunk On fairy tales of beaten foes, Or Hindenburg's "victorious" bunk; And if his rations run too short Through this accursed British blockade, Even the worm may turn and sport A revolutionary cockade.

So far as practicable iron bunks will be furnished to all prisoners in post guardhouses and prison room.

Immediately a section slipped down exposing a cavity beyond that proved to be a regular sleeping bunk, fully capable of "housing" any ordinary person.

A job it was to fix 'im up and do a double bunk, But 'e was chattin' casual while I was oozin' funk; 'E yarned abaht the bits o' things 'e used to see at Kew, An' told me of the lavender, the tidy lot of lavender, The leagues an' leagues o' lavender 'e grew.

"Mr. Trenholm," he said, as he climbed down from the top bunk, dripping and smiling, "I guess you were right about what you wrote there lastI calculate that there's a bit of a fight left in Captain Riggs yet, although I don't for the life of me see what chance I've got of fighting anybody.

" CHAPTER XIII LLOYD AND ALICE Kittredge was fortunate in having a sense of humor, it helped him through the horrors of his first night at the depot, which he passed with the scum of Paris streets, thieves, beggars, vagrants, the miserable crop of Saturday-night police takings, all herded into one foul room on filthy bunks so close together that a turn either way brought a man into direct contact with his neighbor.

At last the attendant was foundlazy villain!asleep, snoring loudly, stertorously, in his little bunk at the end of the car.

The second-class compartments, for which two-thirds of the first-class rates are charged, have six narrow bunks instead of four, the two extras being in the middle supported by iron rods fastened to the floor and the ceiling.

"No; these near bunks are all empty, an' the damn noise drowns our voices.

26 adjectives to describe  bunk