11 adjectives to describe buoying

She gained the Bitter Lakes; and the red conical buoys, like beads a-stringing, slipped on and added to the two converging dotted lines.

"Hardly in the cabun-buoy line I should say.

It proved to be the chequered buoy, St. Nicholas' Gate, off Yarmouth, and opposite his own door, but distant from the land four miles.

'mid wounds above Dim buoys give hint of death below Sea-ambuscades, where evil art had aped Hecla that hides in snow.

The boys were too busy to pay much attention to the results of the other races, but a member of the club who had won the Blake trophy for the cabin cruiser boats, warned the boys to beware of the turn above the far buoy.

Now, this little buoy, of course, rises and falls with the water in the trough.

[Footnote 4: Could the word be for buoy'her clothes spread wide,' on which she floated singingtherefore her melodious buoy or float?]

As a matter of fact, in all comfortable human conversation, words are used as mere buoys dropped here and there to mark well-known channels of thought and feeling.

I have never caught him yet Out of sorts when it was wet; He will hum when tempests howl, Whistle midst the thunder's growl, And I've seen him sing for joy, Clinging to a punctured buoy, While his gallant T.B.D. Sank beside him in the sea.

Q.How is the proper level of the water in the boiler maintained? A.By means of a balanced buoy or float.

The millstone that hangs around our national neck, so that we can barely keep our heads above water, even when there is not a ripple upon its surface, and that always threatens to engulf us in perdition at the first symptoms of a storm,this millstone shall be converted into an unsinkable life-buoy, that shall not only support itself upon the crest of the highest waves, but shall help to keep afloat the entire national body.

11 adjectives to describe  buoying