23 adjectives to describe buying

The poor, clinging to their prejudices and refusing to trust one another, do not profit by coöperative buying, or by central kitchens run by experts.

Behind the label; a guide to intelligent buying.

The folly of installment buying.

Retail buying and selling, by Paul H. Nystrom.

And that thy love we weighing worthily, May likewise love thee for the same again; And for thy sake, that all like dear didst buy, With love may one another entertain.

"You boys guy me with my close-fisted buying these last two years.

Though there was frantic buying and selling all around these two generals, the trading was gauged by the trend of their battle.

Forced buying is irritated buying, and it is the forbidden shop that contains the coveted goods.

I suppose a good many of the B. & I. commissions are still open, and there's bound to be a little buying elsewhere, but I'm a seller of wheat, too, wherever there's any business doing.

Or like a creature Natiue, and indued Vnto that Element: but long it could not be, Till that her garments, heauy with her drinke, [Sidenote: theyr drinke] Pul'd the poore wretch from her melodious buy, [Sidenote: melodious lay] To muddy death.

She "dodged" a great deal in the mere buying.

I do not think that the Scotch are a particularly sentimental race, but there was such obvious buying, selling, and bargaining about this marriage that Scottish chivalry rose in revolt at the thought.

And co-operative buying and selling takes away his monopoly of business.

Now, deep down in the heart that for thirty years had been concerned chiefly with the profitable buying and selling of silk, this school had left the imprint of its peculiar influence, and, though perhaps unknown to Harris, had strongly coloured the whole of his subsequent existence.

Anyhow, there was some reckless buying by people who expected developments at the shareholders' meeting.

We must that veering subject buy; Else, let the enemy advance, De Brehan surely sides with France!'

Chewing our neighbor is even better, for it is older Common Law, than the universal buying of a wife and consequent selling of daughters which exists even now over far the greater portion of the globe.

He would not expect the machinery of retail book-selling to meet the needs of wholesale buying.

There is no actual buying and selling in open slave markets, it is true, but the men who built the Pyramids and dragged the stone for Hadrian's Villa, were they any worse off really than the workers in the mines today?

"Yes, and a secret worth buying.

He insists upon scrupulous bookkeeping methods, careful buying, close supervision of his work by the board of fifteen directors, strict regard for the needs and desires of the membership, and exceptional precautions against waste and leakage.

And co-operative buying and selling takes away his monopoly of business.

There had been a continued buying of copper shares, and the feature was a sensational rise in Bostons, which during the morning had gone up a clear point.

23 adjectives to describe  buying